See?-I knew I couldn't stay away. Putting myself in time out anyway.

 Dear blog, I'm back! How I have truly missed you. 
I ended last semester on a low note, for me at least.  Things at home were packed for me, no matter how much I tried to minimize the to do list.  Then one of the girls got the stomach bug at the start of the week and I ended with it.  All I remember of the last day before break was being at work trying to focus on what my co-workers were saying but needing to sit down my stomach was hurting so bad.  I grabbed my Christmas tree from the library, fake snow trailing everywhere and sticking to me so that it looked like I had dandruff and somehow made it home and into bed.  I was so sad to miss all the winter parties and hug all the necks of my students I dearly love.  It was a sad way for me to end the semester!  But, even so there sure is a lot of good I've been tucking away on my camera and phone the last month or so.  

I gave myself a "break", if you could even call it that once school got out, from social media.  The truth is, the actual sitting down and blogging isn't the problem.  In fact, I love it.  I was reading through a couple of other blogs this week that I just absolutely adore and wish desperately the writer's were keeping up their personal blogs still! I get that sitting down to pen a long blog post is a thing of the past.  But, just as much as I love reading the old box of letters my Papaw gave me I love sitting down to a blog that feels like a letter from a friend.  I don't think I'll ever really quit blogging.  After all, I have always loved old-fashioned things.   But back to the problem-the scrolling, not the blogging.  Scrolling sucks me in.  Why? I'm not sure.  I'm always left empty-handed, or at least mostly.  
 Here's what I did just this week to rid myself of minutes and hours spent scrolling other people's lives, taking time and power away from mine.  I essentially put myself in iPhone timeout.  No, for real! If you go under "Screen Time" on your iPhone you can schedule Downtime (mine is from 9:00-7:00.  With Downtime only apps you choose to allow and phone calls are available.  I also scheduled App Limits, which you can also find under "Screen Time".  I gave myself a VERY tiny amount of Instagram/other apps time and the phone lets me know when I only have 5 minutes left.  If I then try to get on IG after the limit has been reached it will ask you if you want to ignore your limit.  That question alone has kept me accountable.  
I know that was a long-winded way of explaining why I'm still kind of in my own self-made timeout but will happily blog away, but maybe you need some practical tips on how to keep yourself accountable too? 
Now for a look at what I've been loving, enjoying, thinking about, and capturing lately.  
This is the little tree we had on our library counter at work.  It is so pretty but SO messy! Hint: don't ever get a tree with fake snow.  It gets everywhere! I thrifted the sign above it over the break for $3!
 Someone at work complimented me and said I always looked cute. 
This photo is proof it's not true! I can't dare show the entire internet what the rest of me looked like. 
It's been top knots and stretchy pants for days around here. 
A couple of pics from Christmas-mostly of Betsy because Anna isn't really into having her photo taken and I completely respect that.  Brett got the girls a ukulele and a guitar!

 Soon we'll have our own family band! Not sure what I'll play or do. 
Hmm....maybe dance? I do like to dance around my family.
 I have had to work hard to give myself permission to play and not be productive the entire break.  Very hard for this recovering perfectionist to do! I made these gluten free cinnamon rolls on Christmas Eve and took one, along with some coffee into the craft room for an afternoon.  This is probably my most favorite way in the world to spend an afternoon, just tinkering around. I dream of days where the girls took a 2-hour nap and I had time to do this all the time! 
 I have a list of little things I want to make, including painting a bead necklace.
 Girls and Daddy.
 Girls and me!
 I liked this outfit. 
I've been running 3 days a week and eating well, most of the time at least. 
A few times I've started to get down on myself because my body is still a size 8-10.  I thought when you exercised and ate well it meant a guaranteed size 6.  Turns out, that's just not the truth. 
So, to fight back against these pesky, ugly thoughts from Satan and definitely not from God and a place of love, I've been using the advice of our office lady at work.  She says she decided to just dress the body she has really well! 

Me too friend, me too. 
 Foggy mornings never, ever get old.

 Our Morley girl! We love her.
 Painting and making and creating and trying new things for life.
 Really, the whole point of this blog.  To tell each other good things. 
These clippings and letters are from the early 1900's-my Papaw let me have them and it is been such a complete joy to sit and read through them.  Completely fascinating! We have lost touch with a certain kind of communication, conversation, and community in 2020 that these letters draw me to intensely.  

The mug I gifted myself "from Santa" for Christmas. 
 I am fascinated by fonts and people's different handwritings.  Someday I hope to have a signature handwriting.  For now, practicing different types of letters to see what I like.
 My idea of a perfect afternoon! Snacks, coffee, my girls, and art supplies galore.
 Just playing around! 
I don't always love or even like what I make.  But if there's one piece of advice I've read countless times from other artists, it's to make VOLUMES of work.  Volumes! Then you'll be able to mine through the stacks for the gems that truly speak to you. No other way to get to the diamonds besides digging through the dust of everyday art.
 My fellow librarian gifted me this gorgeous, handmade wreath before Christmas!
Back to having a dog at my feet and this feels so good for my soul.

Sometimes my scrolling IS worth it! It's not all bad! 
This lady has some awesome tools for a highly-sensitive, introverted, artist of a person like me.

 That light!
 Happy mail from a faraway friend I have PLANS TO MEET THIS SPRING. 
 Tip: take a notebook and sharpie along while you wait for dinner. 
This was a random drawing, where the girls drew scribbles on the page and I turned it into this. 
So much fun! So freeing too because you're not sitting there trying to draw something perfect.
 I tucked this sky into my heart one morning on the way to work.
 Loving my new water bottle sticker from Natural Grocers.
 You should make this and thank me later.
(we use honey instead of brown rice syrup)
 Magic show again with shadows and light.

Inspiring color spotted at the grocery store.
(even though it's completely not tomato season)
 Ok, I could go on for a lengthy amount of time here about my new favorite nail polish system. As always, never an ad just a true love.
I first read about Dazzle Dry nail polish from the Fed and Fit IG page.  Honestly, I adore painted nails and a bad habit of mine is picking at the skin around my nails but I don't do it when they're polished.  
I decided to give the kit a try, by the way of a mini starter kit.  This stuff isn't cheap!
Long story short-the nail system has several steps and polishes/coats you use.  It takes about an hour to do a good job, maybe a bit less.  You can easily read a book, watch tv, etc.  while you wait for each step to dry.  The result is AMAZING.  I loved the stuff so much I ordered a bigger kit right before Christmas when they were on sale and had free shipping. 

You guys, I am not "precious" with my nails.  Meaning, I don't do a single thing different during my days because my nails are painted.  And you know as a working mama I'm using my hands on the keyboard, to do dishes, lift things, etc. all day long.  This polish lasts SO well and is SO pretty! I have the red, which I think I will use forever and ever amen.  I can easily go a week with a great looking polish and after that just easily apply another coat of polish and top coat to last even longer.  

I'm now a nail gal.  I love it. 
Go for Dazzle Dry! Order the mini kit first if you want to see for yourself. 
 I bought myself lots of little scrapbook supplies at Tuesday Morning before Christmas and have been handing out handwritten cards right and left. Still not done yet.
 This pleases me. 
Spotted at our local children's museum. 
All I see on the right is a face. 
Do you see it?
 Starting grad school at Arkansas Tech in a couple of weeks!
 The hearts still find me.
 That sparkling, glittering light!
 This took me right back to my childhood. 
I immediately let the girls have a candy from the post office counter and described the gooey, strawberry filling as if I'd had one yesterday.
 Spotted Rae Dunn stuff all over the store and worked SO HARD at my self-control to not buy any of it.
 Happy junk.
 By Anna! 
I let her sit in my new craft room chair and use whatever supplies she wanted.  
Caught: heading out to work.
Grandma and I at Thanksgiving. 
My favorite person.
Brett hung Christmas lights on the playhouse! 
Birthday hugs.
Slime-making at Betsy's birthday party sleepover!
Fruit stripe gum too.
The 90's anyone?
Brett studying hard for a big test he's taking soon.
God, the artist.
Time for magazines, books, and coffee over break has been completely wonderful.
Twin love!
Another outfit I liked. 
Want to know something else silly I thought for FAR too long? 
That it was selfish to spend time and money on my appearance, hair products, nails, etc. 

I've unlearned that in 2019, thank goodness! 
Bring on the red nails, 
the living small, 
the blogging,
dressing in joy,
conversations and connections,
NEW: things, places, experiences,
and putting my dreamer wings back on.
Bring on the magic of quietly noticing the world around me,
really getting to know the people right next to me,
living simpler,
and sticking to what is authentic to ME, not the world. 


  1. Amen and Amen! Oddly enough I just started playing with the limits on my phone last night as I want to spend more of my days in ways that enrich me and I'm tired of losing time and having nothing to show for it. You and I are so similar...Highly sensitive, introverted creative here! It was so lovely to catch up with you.

    1. Hi Jen! So wonderful to have you here! We sound like two peas in a pod. How are the phone limits going for you? Pretty good here! My screen time was down 40% last week and I think my anxiety was too. They are definitely related for me.
      Happy New Year's to you!

  2. Hi fellow Sara! I'm so glad you stop by to read and that it feels like a letter to you. The absolute best part about a blog, I think.
    Thank-you so much for the grad school encouragement! Happy New Year to you!


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.