"Be a witness"

 I haven't blogged or written on IG much about my job because something I've really felt strongly about this year is having a bit of space between the two.  Between my personal and professional life, that is.  However, sometimes it's crazy cool how the two worlds intersect.  We recently hosted award-winning author Matt De La Pena at our school.  He has written a lot of books, one of which is called Last Stop on Market Street.  The book is all about finding the beautiful in the ordinary, which you know is exactly my cup of tea.  During his talk to the students he said something along the lines of whatever you see is your truth.  If you look around and see dirt and bad things-you're right.  But if you look around you and see the beautiful and interesting things in life-you're right too.  It validated something in me, hearing that.  A lot of times I feel like a very silly grown-up in her late 30's still blogging away about the rosy side of life.  So to hear another grown-up say it was "right" to look around for the good stuff. Well, that's the GOOD stuff right there.  Made this rosy gal very happy to hear! 

He also signed books for the kids with this inscription-"Be a witness." 
These are my stories lately, as seen through my lens.
This is me being a witness.

My cat wonders how you can be a witness to your own world? 
(doesn't it look like she's smiling?!)

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