Relentlessly chasing the rosy.

 We did it friends! We made it through the first week of school! This now means I have successfully maneuvered my way through two full weeks as a full-time working mom.  I'm so relieved and proud of both myself and the girls! I would mention Brett, but life hasn't changed too much for him. :) 

One of several things I do faithfully is journal.  I always have an art journal going, as well as one for writing in.  This simple practice for whatever reason has been completely life-giving to me.  While working on my self-published book (I haven't forgotten it!) I read through my old journals from the past year or so, looking for treasures and nuggets to put into the book.  I noticed a particular pattern kept popping up.  Despite the ebb and flow of what I was writing about, one thing stayed the same.  I regularly felt like I was getting lost in the shuffle of work and home responsibilities.  "Losing myself", if you will.  

I decided this year, that wouldn't be the case.  The truth is my work and home life are full.  And I like them both! When I started to grow resentful towards either last year it was usually because I hadn't given myself a single second to do something for just me.   The whole "you can't pour from an empty cup" is so very true! This year I have a loose plan written for carving out space to do the things that fill my soul back up.  This will be life-giving and hard for me I think.  Hard for me because it might mean that I need to do something good enough instead of great or perfect, in order to have a little time left over.  Something may need to sit and wait for another day so that those extra 10 or 15 minutes can be used how I like. 

I started this practice already last week and I felt the difference in a big way.  
Can you relate?  Is it as hard for you as it is for me to carve out a few minutes to do what fills your soul back up? 
 Without further ado, here's a look at my attempt to relentlessly chase the rosy in life and the things that stopped me in my tracks or made me smile. 
That morning light is just dreamy!
 I remember a birthday several years back that I was really struggling on.  Don't remember why and I suppose it doesn't matter. What I DO remember is that it was the first time I saw a passionflower behind our house. Now we have dozens and dozens!
 Exploring the inside of a passionfruit with Betsy!

 Does anyone know if this is useful, beyond looking pretty?

 Dreamy weeds. 
 That one patch of sunlight completely caught my attention. 

 The sunlight on these fuzzy plants was so magical! 
Another place the sun caught my eye.  
Lots of light to notice lately! Both literally and figuratively.
 We don't have very many flowers left to enjoy, but these sure are beautiful!
 Early morning fog! 
I can't figure out why my fog pics have those visible rings in the sky from my camera.
 Very early morning "hello's!" from our kitten, French Fry.
Flowers and polka dots are my fave! 
Seen at school.
I shelved a ton of books last week and this book cover stopped me in my tracks. 
I am obsessed with the art!
What would be on your "going for it" list?
Took Anna to the Dickson St. Bookstore for a while today. 
She was in heaven!
Which is why my new job isn't the only thing on my mind. I also have some personal goals I am chasing after!

What has been catching your eye?  Have any dreams you're chasing?
How was the first week of school for you?

p.s.-I'll blog this week about how I got my new, last minute (DREAM) job!


  1. I know you can eat passion fruit but I don't know when it's ripe. I have a friend who makes a lot of yummy things with wild foods & she uses it.

    And I think the fuzzy plant may be poison ivy? It's not close enough for me to be sure but thought I'd mention could be Virginia creeper?

    Love the pics.

    1. interesting you can eat the passion fruit! I'll have to google it. :) We also have persimmon trees and we've made things from that before that were tasty.

      Thanks for commenting! :) I'm glad you're here!


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