small dose of joy: part 2 (rest)

Small doses of joy go a long way, am I right? Most of our lives are probably filled pretty quickly with the have-to's.  Even trying to wrangle all the titles my life has feels like a big task.  Wife, mom, teacher's aide, friend, Sunday School teacher, photographer, and artist are just a few of the titles that either were given to me or I chose.  We all know that just one of these pair of shoes we fill requires a million little steps to make them work.  I would say, the same is true of joy.  I'm a Jesus-loving, giver type of person so I've struggled with the whole "self-care is selfish" GARBAGE that sometimes creeps into our souls.  I call it garbage because lately my thoughts have started to shift.  Let me explain: First, I don't think we should have a life that is so desperate, crammed, and hustled that we feel the need to escape completely, in the name of self-care.  I truly don't want to escape my life.  I like my life! I do however, have three main titles in life that require a heck of a lot of giving-wife, mom, and teacher.  To put it quite simply, I just find myself used up a lot.  Part of me likes this feeling because it typically means I'm taking what God's given me and sharing it.  Part of me though craves to shut it down and rest.  

I've read several things lately making a stand for quiet and rest. Even making a stand for boredom. (gasp)  Long story short-I get it.  I'm finding lately the complete value of being intentional about having a few minutes a day of quiet.  I've even been driving without a podcast or the radio on, at least once a day.  I read just last week that if our minds are so full of noise all the time, how will they ever generate new ideas?  I've also started taking a nap once a week. 
If there's sun, even better. I put my face right in it and lay in the quiet. 
You can call this weird or emotional or over the top. 
But I call being glued to a screen, noise, and hustle 24 hours a day a major, over the top, killjoy. 

My small dose of joy tip for you? 
Don't be scared of a bit of quiet, in fact, embrace it. 
Also, take a nap. 
Preferably with your face in the sun. 

Your giving tank, emotional health, and creativity will thank-you. 
(spoiler alert: the world won't fall apart when we rest.  It will all be ok and life will resume when we rise, rested.)

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