Fully sinking into fall

This year I've really tried to be intentional about fully sinking into fall.  That sounds like something from a Pinterest board full of photos featuring cozy mugs, warm blankets, and falling leaves.  But I truly mean it.  Last year we were right in the middle of foster care around this time and my memories are filled with a certain little one and hardly a thought at all of fall or holiday anything.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.  This year finds us with the ache and memory of last year and yet looking ahead to this season of holidays as well. Once fall came around it felt like I had two choices.  Either live quite frantically from one holiday to the next, barely noticing fall while letting visions of sugarplums, presents, and piled up to-do lists fill my head.  Or I could slow down, breathe a little deeper, and open my eyes wide to the season that already was.  I have chosen to fully sink into fall. 

From stopping to lean in close and watch this butterfly, to gazing up in awe every. single. time. the birds fly overhead, this autumn has offered so much in the way of wonder.

You might think by my generally cheerful posts that looking for the rosy throughout the year, and especially at the holidays, comes quite easily to me.  It doesn't, actually.  It is a practice, a sometimes hard-earned joy, especially this time of year when the dark seeps in so early.  As a friend of mine put it recently-"We are solar powered".  Yes, so true!  Looking for the rosy in the routine is what keeps me waking up and letting my feet hit the cold floor in the mornings.  It's the unique way God has invited me into this life, a challenge to see the good that keeps my hope afloat.  

Fully sinking into fall has softened the edges of life that feel rough, has made the dark days brighter, and has made me hope again for all that is to come. 

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