A treasure found.

During our camping trip to the Buffalo we drove a ways down the river and all piled out to walk down to the water.  My girls were playing, while Brett and his mom were taking it all in.  Something behind me caught my eye.  A shimmering light, looking like a giant magnifying glass.

Curious, I walked closer until my eyes quickly took in a treasure.  I gasped in surprise and then shouted for the others to come see.
This is what awaited me. 
Can you read what it says?
"Take me to remember your trip, 2018, Rush, AR".

It then has someone's initials.
I still get chills thinking about walking up on this treasure. 
I had actually just been telling Brett about Ben Rector's song "extraordinary magic" in the car, just minutes earlier.  After I discovered this treasure waiting and we all gathered around and oohed and ahhed over it I bent over and whispered excitedly to Brett -"See! It really IS true, extraordinary magic really DOES follow me around!" 

Perhaps that makes all the difference in the world, whether we believe in the magic or not. 

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