our new thoughts on food

I think this post should actually be titled "our new (old) thoughts on food", rather than throwing the word new out there and acting like we've had a revalation never before been found.  About two years ago our family had "health" on the forefront of our minds and then suddenly, two years later we found we didn't. We enjoyed ourselves immensely at Christmas and I suppose on the surface it would look like we're just another family getting on the new year exercise and eating right train.  But that's only part of the story.  
The truth is, this change has been a long time coming.  To keep it short and sweet, a couple of things have totally messed with my old way of thinking/eating the past year or so and I am the better for it.  First, I saw a picture of myself and had to take a second glance.  I have that mysterious condition where I think my body looks one way and then when I see a picture I think-"Who's that?" Anyone relate?  Second, I have been so sluggish I've needed multiple cups of coffee throughout the day to even make it until dinnertime.  And exercise? You can forget it.  This is how I saw myself starting life this year with my two darling toddlers and a newborn on the way, with our adoption happening any time.  
It got my attention. I used to spend loads more time on my health and if you asked me why I quit spending that time on it well over a year ago, I'd give you the shortest answer possible-"life". 
The end. 
And the crowd gives a big AMEN because I know you know where I'm coming from.  So, here's what we're doing now.  For starters, I am completely fascinated with cookbooks, blogs, restaurants, and people who use only real food.  Not processed, no sugar, just real clean food.  
And that's what we're doing at home.  Eating real food.  The only cracker we currently have in the pantry are Triscuits.  (no goldfish, graham crackers, etc.) Our fridge and pantry are stocked with beans, quinoa, olive oil, potato (of all kinds), avocado, fruits and vegetables galore, homemade granola, boiled eggs, homemade salad dressing, homemade peanut butter, homemade bread, sour cream, real butter, salsa, hot tea….

you get the point.  Did you notice how many "homemades" there were? A lot. 
Friends, with this change in our diet and lifestyle the past two and a half weeks, I feel wonderful. 
I truly do! I have one cup of coffee a day and am completely energized all day long by eating clean, drinking tons of water, and having hot tea in the afternoons. And that is HUGE because I wake at 5:30 and go, go, go all day long (even jogging at night) until 8:30 or so. I make sure to eat every few hours and don't let myself get too hungry.  I pack snacks when we go somewhere or order as clean and healthy as possible off a menu at a restaurant. (usually, lol) I've cut sugar completely (except for occasionally some coconut palm sugar or honey/maple syrup). 
I've quickly found that to take care of myself and my family well, it takes a lot of thought/preparation.  And I'm ok with that.  I am meal-prepping a lot.  Doing things like packing salads for lunch for a whole week, cooking dry beans ahead of time, slicing fruit and freezing it, blending our own peanut butter, or making a loaf of bread and freezing half. 
The girls jump in and help whenever possible and even when they're just watching, they're begging me for this delicious food. No joke! Anna Ruth asked for a salad with homemade dressing for breakfast the other day. 

(this Japanese pork sandwich was SUCH A TREAT on New Year's Eve. Like WHOA)

 (Part of Brett's lunch on the left, the girls on the right)
 Lunch for my girls! 
Betsy calls this "apple pie"..
cannot even handle the cuteness!

So that's where we're at.  I just feel so great I had to share.  About a month ago I was having that nagging feeling again that I really shouldn't let my body/strength/health just go.  But the thought of eating healthy and giving up 3 cups of coffee a day made me want to curl up in a ball and cry.  Even though I used to know all this and put it into practice.  I was afraid I'd be hungry and only have a handful of foods to eat.  Before I let myself out of this inner discussion without a fight I began saving recipes like a boss on Pinterest and researched cookbooks that might inspire me. Within a day or two I was hooked, pulling everyone into a "food conversation" that I could.  

I am now on week 3 of this change….my emotions aren't all over the place, they're balanced. I feel like the best version of myself because all the good things make me tear up (this is when I know my body is working right).  Food is exciting to me again and I view it as fuel and medicine and strength that God has provided.  Cooking is very, very fun.  My energy sustains all day long so I can fulfill the needs of my family.  My girls are watching me have the time of my life with food and they're so eager to eat and try what mama is so excited about.  

As I realize our adoption is coming up sometime this year, the thought of being exhausted with a newborn doesn't scare me like it did.  I feel like this knowledge and these practices will help or at least be waiting for me when baby is a month or two.  Even if I fall back into a few cups of coffee a day, I still think that by practicing these healthy habits now over and over…they'll stick a whole lot better when baby number three makes their debut in our family. 

Where are you on all this? I'll keep sharing my honest journey and I'd love to hear yours.
For more inspiration, check out my Pinterest Food board (all 600 of my pins, lol)


  1. I get the meal plans fro the Happy Herbivore, they help me eat well. She also has several cookbooks and I have three that I use for inspiration. I eat this way for my health and feel great!

    1. Oooh, I haven't heard of this! I will look it up for sure! Thanks for sharing :)


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