Shop Talk: Rainbow Collage, Flowers, and a Wall Calendar!

Mornin' friends! What are you waking up to this Wednesday morning? We went to bed last night with a very dirty kitchen and a broken dishwasher.  As in, Brett even took the whole thing apart (because who has $500 to spend on a new dishwasher?!) and I tried to help and we simply couldn't get it fixed.  Maybe it sounds silly to say, but you better believe I prayed over the dishwasher.  This morning the control panel lit up at least so I continued to pray.  

Guess what?  It's working now! I'm sitting here writing this happy as a bird with a french fry to hear the hum of the dishwasher running.  You may believe what you like, but as for me, I'm thanking Jesus for fixing the dishwasher! 
It's the little reasons like broken dishwashers, the news, and needs all around me that keep me creating. I find that art is my invincible spring in the midst of almost any kind of winter.  I've penciled in the habit of early morning creating and it sure is working for me.  It just sets my prayers, passions, and spirit right before the day starts, with the necessary hustle and bustle to keep a household running.  
Sometimes perfectionism keeps me from creating at all, but as I'm getting deeper into my life as an artist and my time is becoming more about pockets instead of deep wells of time, I'm learning to jump in with both feet and create when an idea strikes instead of waiting for the perfect time.  That's exactly how this vase of flowers piece came to be.  I was actually working on my daily gratitude journal and layered some papers together to create a flower collage.  Instantly I had the idea to try this same idea on an even bigger scale and fill up a vase with the lovelies.  

Isaiah 49 has been on my heart and mind for a long, long time.  While designing this 8x10 photo print I was definitely thinking of a list of prayers requests for those in my world right now.  Some sad things to pray over, but this verse reminds me that God is ever so near.  I don't know about you, but comforting habits and rituals like hot cups of tea, warm quilts, and cozy fires seem to feel like the love of God Himself to me. 
Can't stop, won't stop color coding things! I mean seriously, there is just something so darn pretty about matching things up with their colors.  I could do this with ALL the things, all the days.  This color collage is available as an 8x10 photo print in the shop! 
They're here! I have to make a funny confession to go along with this advertisement that you'll probably find quite ironic.  I'm not necessarily a good planner.  BUT, give me a beautiful, inspiring wall calendar and I can get on board.  Last year I never seemed to find a wall calendar I really liked.  So this year I decided to make my own!  These are available in the shop and would make a great Christmas gift!  
 The calendar features 12 full page photos as seen below which can easily be framed once the month is over!  Starting with the top left photo for January, as you view the rows across you'll see which photo goes with each month.  
This is the back of the calendar.  The inside also includes a year-at-a-glance as well as a preview of the year to come.  These are spiral bound and would make a pretty addition to your planning! 

Thank-you for letting me share my life and art with you!
With the holidays approaching, I'd love to hear from you on what you'd like to see in the shop! 

More cards or gift items you can give others?  Holiday art prints or banners? 
Do share! I have a whole list of ideas but I'd love to hear what YOU think :) 

1 comment:

  1. I love your latest piece, Let Your Heart Be Light! I love the postcards I bought...maybe more postcards? I love to see what banners you make. And I LoVe my stitched flowers. Happy Friday!


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