Adventuring: Lost Valley and Edens Falls

 Last weekend we had some time open up in our schedule and we decided to snatch it up and lasso that time straight into an adventure!  And adventure it up we did.  
 It's no secret how much we love our girls and our farm life.  Both take time.  Our little friend "spontaneity" has been missing from our lives over the last few years with bottle-feedings and diaper changes.  But we're at a happy medium stage now where the girls are still so little everything is fascinating and interesting to them, but they're also big enough to take on new adventures.  
 A typical Saturday for us might include a quick trip into town and then we usually have plans with friends or family, or complete chores around the yard and farm.  So taking all last Saturday to go somewhere new was a total treat.  It reminded us of the goodness life holds when we change up our routine.  We decided to drive an hour to Lost Valley, which is near the Buffalo River.  
 We hiked for a ways on the trail at Lost Valley, which was like a city-slicker version of a trail.  The girls' stroller sailed along on it without any trouble.  When it came time to hike up the big rocks to the waterfall we each held a girl.  I held Betsy Grace and Brett took Anna Ruth.  That was a workout!! We climbed and climbed to reach the falls and the view was totally worth it.  

 There was also a shallow pool that we were able to let the girls get down and splash in, very supervised of course.  We plan on going back when they can wear their swim suits!  My girls know how to fully embrace outdoor living!  Anna Ruth excitedly chased a lizard and tried to touch it, we looked for butterflies and ladybugs, the girls threw rocks and leaves in the water, we looked up, down, and all around.  It was magic.

 One of the best parts also was the amount of families and couples we saw walking on the trail.  Cell phones were put away, families were talking and laughing, strangers connecting.  Every single person that walked by us said hello, and we said hi back.   It was real life at its best.  
Sitting here with both my girls was the best Mother's Day present I could have imagined.  I felt God here.

I can't wait to go back with swimsuits and a picnic lunch!! 

Where have you adventured to lately? 


  1. I LOVE this place so much! I cannot wait to take Connor there for an adventure. Maybe a playgroup field trip??

  2. This is beautiful! We need to go there! I love waterfalls...


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