Foodie. {Food, Part 2}

Ahhh food.... :) If you missed my embarrassing confessional of food post, you can find it here. Surprisingly a large number of people responded to that post....(in person or otherwise).  Evidently I'm not as alone in struggling/learning to be free from emotional/stress eating as I thought! Let's face it-having two babies under two is stressful a lot of the times.  I can't imagine what I would look like if I turned to food every single time something got stressful. It wouldn't be pretty folks! 
 I do hope that you know how much I love and enjoy food!  I mean, God created such wonderful colors, textures, and tastes to nourish us, but also for us to enjoy!  Think of how many feasts/parties there are in the bible...I doubt they were sitting around chomping raw celery. :) 
So, on my health(ier) journey there are several favorites I want to share...
such as hot tea, and great recipes!

 Seriously, one of my favorite things to do (when I get the time!) is to sit with a nice cup of hot tea and browse the collection of beautiful cookbooks I have.....or read a good foodie magazine. 
{What's your favorite foodie mag.?}
 Another favorite-buying produce when it's on sale at Aldi's! I price match at Wal-Mart, and this week bought avocados for 19 cents! What joy in a bowl :).  These are one of my top favorite foods.  I like them plain, as dip, or as a topping on tostadas, tacos, etc.  I'm going to try to freeze some of these and I'll let you know how it goes.

Have you had the Laughing Cow cheese wedges?  My mom-in-law brought some over after Betsy was born and I was quickly hooked.  I love to have a wedge (isn't that a funny word, lol) with some Great Value brand triscuits (which only have 3 ingredients or so).  A wholesome, filling snack. And so delicious! 
{Of course, all journey's require a detour or two.  This week I'm also excited to make some Rice Krispy treats.  A favorite around here-Brett will be pleased} 

What's your favorite wholesome, delicious food lately?


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.