DIY: Twinkle Light Fort

Within the compartments of creativity in my mind, there always seems to be a picture of something involving twinkle lights.  Multiple things involving twinkle lights, actually.  A fort is among them.

One cold day I decided we'd build a fort to read, do stickers, and play with dolls in.  I felt like SUCH a new kid on the block, seeing as it really puzzled me at first to think of the best fort plan and where to position the blankets.  :)  Obviously, I got it figured out.  Also, we have some string lights plugged in on the mantle (mantle re-do post coming soon!) so I was in luck. 
Of course, having handmade quilts from my mom to grace the inside of the fort helped the magic of it all too.  
We left the fort up for several days and had such a fun time inside!  What a cozy, joy-filled play day! 

What are YOUR fort tips?

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