Snow and healing.

Hi everyone! Have you had snow like we have? These were taken before it snowed inch after inch.  I actually took these at a local park, where I took a couple of laps around with one of the girls before a doctor's appointment. 

The past week or so has mostly been spent healing from Covid (me), getting everyone else tested, and doing virtual work/school work.  Admittedly, it hasn't always been the best feeling the past week or so.  But I've learned to be pretty good about talking to myself and remembering that spring and sunshine are on the way. :) 
Working from home means lots and lots of Zooms and other computer work. I am so thankful for each of my precious students who takes the time to get on Zoom with me! The most students I've had at once so far is 32.

Bananagrams with the girls.
My buddy, always by my feet.
Watercolors to try and add some excitement in to the days at home.  Crayola quality wasn't as good as I remembered. 
Do you see the duck? 
More coffee. :) 
Also, pattern and color make me happy.
You can find me here, by the fire a lot!
Found a rainbow. 
Made myself start a new roll of film today.  I am still so intimidated by the film stuff, but yet love it. We'll see how this roll ends up.
Tracks made by the birds are beautiful. 

Ha! Self-timer photos, trying to fully enjoy the snow.
Here's a yummy, easy recipe: cook ground beef (or meat of your choice) and then add dairy-free cream cheese and salsa into the mix.  It makes the best burrito meat!
Sun and girls helping me with laundry.
So inspired by this! I spotted it at the kids' museum.
Proud for picking this at Chick-fil-a instead of a #1.
I ordered this AMAZING cookbook that is wildly inspiring as a "used" copy.  So I paid like $17 and it's a $50 book. It came and was brand new!! Still in the plastic and everything. It was the best little surprise.
A tiny heart from one of my girls. 
We (ok, the girls mostly) finished this but it was missing pieces! We cannot figure out where they went. 

I'm trying to get outside as much as possible this winter.

This was a very enjoyable Sunday evening walk.
Happy me, at Sunday lunch.  I think I was visiting with Brett's aunt Pat here. :)
A drawing from the iPad.
Hummingbird nest! 
I took this to work and let the kindergarten and first graders guess what it was and their curious observations made my whole day!
A walk, up and down the holler five times. One of my favorite places in the world.
Highly recommend these!
I like this view.
We get the best shadows on the pink wall. Although here you can't even tell it's pink! Isn't that strange?
Zesting oranges for orange cardamom balls. YUM.

Ha! My real life going out in the snow look. I had on three pair of pants here.

Outfits lately! 
Looking forward to wearing less layers. 

To end, a few photos from my Nikon camera. 

Just plugging away at winter here, one day at a time. 
What are you all up to? Read anything good lately? 
Do tell.


  1. we have had a huge amount of snow here
    so spent lots and lots of time shoveling.

    1. I was telling my girls how most people spend time doing this! Here they close down schools...and we don't usually shovel the driveway. :)


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