The rosy list #7-another weekly blog post.

Greetings from another weekend post! I've noticed that each weekend as I'm making a list of intentions for Saturday/Sunday, "blog" always seems to pop into my brain. Not as some marketing or branding strategy, like I have to keep this thing going. Just as a good practice for my brain, heart, and gratitude.  So here I am again.  I must confess, I checked in on the blog the other day and got so excited to see two whole comments but then dug around a little deeper and saw some pharmacy spam comments were scattered throughout the blog.  I quickly deleted!  For those of you who do leave the occasional comment, thank-you for letting me know you're out there. :) I'm really trying to do better about reading and responding, because what joy it is when I get a response to a comment I've left myself! 

On that note, here are a few of my favorite blogs: 

These are all phone captures, with no editing afterwards.  Phone snaps because I still haven't taken my camera in to get it fixed.  I'm just dreading it, I guess because of the cost and fear that they'll mess it up even further.  Ha! Not very trusting of me, but my cameras are like my babies or best friends. Hard to hand them over.  Still, I'm displeased with the quality of the phone snaps and need to make myself take it in.  

Afternoon coffee with one of the cats.  Stepping outside always does me good.
I can't remember if I blogged about this last week or not but I told myself I had to start making art. Whether I felt like it or not, liked what I made or not, I just had to do it. 
So this is me doing that. 

:) I like you too, whoever wrote this! 
Choosing to sit down for just a few, short minutes instead of emptying the dishwasher.  I hardly ever make the sit down choice.  You know what I mean? The book on top is pure loveliness and I got a signed copy on our trip! It reminds me of all the quirky, little good things in the world. I'm a list maker of the happy too so I totally get this book.
Amazing sky on the way to see Christmas lights!!
The Grinch is always a favorite character of mine. It's that heart change at the end of the story that gets me every time. 
Locals-Stewart Family Lights! This place is beyond magical.  It's hard to even know how to describe it.  Lights and inflatables and fun EVERYWHERE. I loved how organized it was this year with parking-it was very easy to get in and out and we went around 5:30 and it wasn't crowded yet.

Have you ever had a Funnel Cake? These always remind me of a local-ish theme park, Silver Dollar City, in Branson.  I had about three bites and had to be done so I didn't get a belly ache. But it was piping hot and so good.

Fun with my mom-in-law!
It has been in the 70's here in Arkansas and that feels SO weird when trying to get into the Christmas spirit!
You should try Rebel Pop! It is my favorite! Hard to find though. I lucked out-it was on sale at Natural Grocer's this week.  Do you have that store? It's one of my top faves! The root beer in Rebel Pop is especially good.
Unfiltered me. 
Two thoughts: I miss people showing up on social media naturally. I really, really dislike all the filters. 
Two, I have started putting creams and "potions" as I jokingly call them on my face each night. I have a couple right now that are an absolute favorite.  I'll share if you're interested! Also, I use dry shampoo almost every night and love it.  My greys are coming in strong too and I'm probably going to dye my hair soon. No grey for me! If you're someone who has embraced it-good for you! I just cannot.

I have been eyeing this book for so long and that $20 price actually had another $5 off so I ordered it! I strongly believe in the power of play and can't wait to get this in and start reading. 

Locals-we went on this hike and it was gorgeous! We hiked around 5 miles. 
I like to play a game when we stop and see how many interesting things I can find.
I don't fully understand what made the rings on this leaf but I think it's gorgeous.

And then there's this mossy stuff! I carried this big bunch around for the longest time because I could just picture it on the table at home, with candles nestled in-between.  However, I worked up such a sweat and we still had miles to go so I dropped it all back down to the ground. :( Wouldn't my idea have been dreamy though?! 
Timer family photo!

Although the waterfall wasn't running, we did find a bit of water in the creek that was really pretty! For some reason I always really like the look of leaves floating in the water.
I wore a bright yellow jacket to welcome myself back to work last Monday. 
I also had a chiropractor appointment and got a crown worked on and felt SO much better afterwards. Does this mean I'm getting old? 

I'm looking ahead to this week, excited to start some new books, cook some new things, and help my students answer questions they want to know about the world. I let them pick any question they could come up with and you wouldn't believe the variety! Not a single one asked the same question twice. Kids are the best, curious, and full of wonder. 

How are you, in your corner of the world? I hope you have something to look forward to, a rhythm that helps maintain your peace, and a friend to sit and talk to. 

Sending you love and light. 



  1. Thanks for the shoutout! My husband is from Arkansas and I've been there a few times, and I love seeing your pictures of all the local attractions. Even though it's weird I am jealous of your 70 degree days! I need to give myself a talking to about art as well; I need to just do it. Putting it off tends to compound it and make it seem like much more of a "thing" than it actually is.

  2. I always enjoy getting a glimpse of the bits of "rosy" in your life. Thank you for continuing to share here on your blog!


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.