The rosy list #6

Hello everyone! The Thanksgiving week/break has come to an end.  All I can think of is "I get to see my students tomorrow!"  I'm more than ready.  I miss them when we're on break and look forward to checking in with each of them and seeing how they are.  I've said it before, but I truly cannot imagine a life without going to school everyday. I don't say a whole lot about work on here, but that's because I like to post on my two library Instagrams. I'm the librarian at two different elementary schools, for those who are wondering what I'm talking about.  
I feel ready to start back. I'm finding that blogging on the weekends is a way to kind of bookend the good from each week and get my perspective in a positive place at the start of another week.   A little behind the scenes info: the photos in this post, like almost all of the ones on the blog, are a combo of phone snaps and Nikon pictures.  A moment of sad truth though-my Nikon fell out of the car when we arrived home after Thanksgiving and it isn't working properly. :( :(  I've checked the lens and know it's not that, it's the actual camera body. I know it's not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things and I know I can get it fixed but man was I bummed!  These photos are Nikon ones, "pre-drop".   I also really, really want to shoot with film again soon! Something to look forward to. 

With all this photo talk I'm wondering-do you print your photos out? Please say yes.  I usually take a "to each their own" stance on just about everything in life, but printing photos should be a universal "yes" in my opinion.  I made a GIANT book of our photos and life from Blurb recently that chronicled all the good from the past two years or so.  I also did an order today from Social Print Studio for New York photos.  We have boxes of pictures the girls like to sit and look through.  Additionally, I save my photos on Dropbox so we have them saved and printed here, there, and everywhere. 

These photos are from a beautiful hike we took a couple of weeks ago.   For all you locals, this was at Hobbs State Park on the trail that Brett usually mountain bikes on. 
We sure do love living near the water.
Listen, sometimes on the weekend you just need to lay the to do list down for a minute and sit in the sunshine in bed with some leftover Mary's Gone Crackers, crackers.
One of many outfit pics I've taken recently. I can't tell if I like this coat with this dress, but I definitely love the coat overall.  I think I'll wear it this week with jeans and a t-shirt. It's a J. Crew jacket that I scored at a thrift shop.
Coffee is the highlight of my day!
It's also hot chocolate season. I make a really good hot chocolate with cocoa powder, pure maple syrup, oat milk, and a bit of cinnamon.  Life is too short for no treats so a marshmallow or two on top it is. I've actually made my own marshmallows before and they are fabulous. I need to put that on the winter cook/make list!
Beautiful, crooked snap of the sun on the way to work. 

Am I somewhere glamorous or the Chick-fil-a drive thru? 

My girls! I have absolutely loved all the time with them this week. I know my heart will ache in the morning when I drop them off. It always does. 
I have a new audio book to listen to for the drive between their school and mine and that is something to help/look forward to.

Every year I take their photos in the leaves.  I was happy they still let me this year! 
Yesterday I mowed the leaves for a couple of hours. It felt so good to start getting the yard cleaned up. 
I've also snaked the sink, cleaned the bathrooms, made a schedule and to do list, and did a round of food prep this morning before church.  It does feel rewarding to complete these "adulting" things. :)
I added water to this and put it on the stove and it smelled homey and cozy and so good!

Our winter mantle. 
Betsy has had so many little birthday celebrations! We had the best Thanksgiving at my parent's house.

Grandma and Papaw were there! I don't get to see them as often as I'd like during the school year so I was very happy to see them. Grandma brought two yummy desserts, one of which was a cookie cake with candles for Betsy's birthday.  So very sweet.
I bought this beaded jacket at the thrift store, determined to pull the "look" off. :) 
A trip to the local library! This article made me sigh...
Another day, another outfit snap.  I heard once on What Not to Wear it takes just as much effort to put on a t-shirt and jeans as it does this.  It's true! I love to get dressed in the morning. Outfits and clothes are a very fun part of my life!
This beaded sweater from Grandma was a ton of fun to wear too! I can't wait to wear it to school. My students will looove it! 
We visited a fun, gorgeous local shop this week! Presley Paige is an awesome spot for party goods, wrapping paper, unique gift items, and inspiration galore. 
A beautiful sky while out and about with the family at Target. Right after this we saw a tiny rainbow cloud. It's rare for us all to be out of the house together in the middle of the day without needing to watch the clock.  That's one of my favorite gifts in the whole world-time without needing to tend the schedule. 
Gorgeous, sunny flowers left from the bouquet my bff sent me!
I told myself this week, "you have GOT to start making art and quit looking at everyone else's so much".  
So, I started.  I definitely don't plan to photograph and show every page.  Or maybe hardly any at all. This is just something for me. Just like writing in my favorite journal in the world is.  

Do you have things you do to fill back up that are just for you? 
I hope so. 
Ahh.....this feels so relaxing to me.  One of my life-changers from the past year or so was discovering the Lost Kitchen, specifically the story of the creator-Erin French. It would take a novel of my own to explain why, but I've read her book and watch new episodes of The Lost Kitchen each week. 

This countertop is totally Lost Kitchen inspired. If you know, you know. 

Church outfit today.
One last birthday celebration for Betsy! 

I honestly can't believe it's just a few weeks until Christmas. I have so much on my mind when it comes to Christmas. I'm in the spirit, for sure. NYC did that. I'm feeling on top of the "to do" that comes with the holidays. I'm heavy hearted for so many people, whom this holiday will be utter heartbreak without the ones they love or with the diagnosis they've been given. I'm holding on tight to hope and pondering the question our pastor asked today-
"what are you doing to keep hope alive?" 

You all know, this blog and these photos, my personal journal, lighting candles as a ritual each evening, giving myself margin and space and showing myself gentleness....these are all things I do to keep hope alive. First and foremost-Jesus.  I pray and worship and see His light and that is the ultimate hope bringer. How about you? 



  1. I just love your blog and the lovely bits of every day goodness. Yes I print pictures, and I agree it's an absolute necessity. There is no match to going through pictures in your hand.

  2. I love your Blog. Do you have Insta? I would love to follow your content 😀


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.