The rosy list #4

Hello everyone! I'm so glad you're here. Truly, I am.  Thank-you for reading.  About three weeks ago I told myself it was time to go into survival mode. Just make it until November 4th I mentally said, and you'll be fine.  During the span of that three weeks there was going to be a LOT jammed in.  All good things, mind you, but a lot.  Well, I almost made it! Admittedly, I have been super sick with a nasty sinus infection (one of the worst I've ever had) this week but am slowly getting better with rest and medicine.  A sweet co-worker of mine reminded me that sometimes our bodies hold onto things like sickness until we know we have time to process it.  I believe that. I literally came down with this stuff the very day I turned in my last grad school homework assignment. 

Anyway, enough sick talk. I don't have "THE sickness" because I was tested and it was negative.  I've had bad sinus infections before and I'm sure I'll be feeling good as new in just a day or two. Let's skip to the good stuff, shall we? These are all phone snaps as I haven't picked up my camera at all the past couple of weeks. (survival mode, remember?)

I did work late at one of my two schools during parent/teacher conferences and set up a basket of social-emotional books for teachers to check out.  This stack was the selection! 

Happiest of birthdays to my dear Grandma! It's her birthday today! We got to celebrate with her last week.  We (along with so many others) just absolutely love her.  

Every weekend I make a huge batch of quinoa salad for lunches for the week ahead. I make one cup of dry quinoa in the instant pot and then add in as many veggies as possible, as well as chickpeas sometimes.  Then I just change up the dressing from time to time. I also like to pack bean chips, mini Kind bars, or occasionally a beef jerky or something to snack on. Oh, and my favorite energy drinks a couple of times a week! The Alani Nu ones.  (you can find them at Target)

Date night! We went to a co-worker's house for a barbecue.  You all! It felt SO surreal and so weird and so wonderful to be at someone else's house hanging out.  My goodness, I didn't realize how even this introvert missed that so very much! Of course I've done playdates with other moms and kids in the past two and a half years or so, but not gone and done something like this with Brett. It was lovely, the food was absolutely delicious, and the visiting with others was very enjoyable.

Then we walked around downtown Rogers for just a bit. Super cute! 

An oldie, but a goodie. I often look at my old blog posts while I'm walking on the treadmill. It reminds me that there is so much good to be had in this world.  To be honest, it doesn't always feel spectacular when I post photos or share snippets like these.  But when I go back and look-there it is. The richest of the richest of life staring straight back at me.

Last week I made a creamy tahini dressing for the quinoa salad.  Absolutely delicious! I looked forward to lunch time all week long.

We went to a pumpkin patch for just a bit last Sunday afternoon. It was SO incredibly windy! 

I got this bracelet at a favorite shop with my favorite people and it's vintage, which I love.

My girls!
Brett likes to mountain bike and will stop and take pics to show me when he gets home because he knows I'll like them. :) 

Made a gratitude poster for work! It has been really rewarding to see what people write on it.

Never (ever, ever) a dull moment at work!

Presenting at the staff meeting...

YES. Do this!

Twin day with my sweet co-worker, who runs the library on Mondays!

It rained and rained and then rained some more last week. I thought these leaves the windshield wipers swiped to the side looked lovely.

!!!!! You should go to this! I have been so excited for this book to come out and actually got lucky and checked it out at the public library.  

Also, Locals Coffee in the Mission/Crossover parking lot near Wal-Mart is THE best coffee ever and ever.

More rain patches.

I had a very small burst of energy and picked these in less than five minutes to decorate the table with.

Simple, but pretty. I can't wait to get some good energy back so I can pour some love into decorating again!

A wild Friday night! :)  You've heard of face masks, but have you heard of hand masks? (lol)
Seriously, I love a mask! They make little booties for your feet too that work tremendously well.  I like to buy these at Target. 

I have laughed and laughed over this picture and will continue to do so this week whenever I need a chuckle.  We love our baby!

The girls carved their own pumpkins. :)

Bought myself this soup to have while sick.  It is absolutely delicious! 

Taking good care of myself.

We LOVE library days! I'll finally have time to read again! (like, what I want-not just grad school stuff!!)

I let the girls get a mini Venus flytrap at Aldi.

The "why do I look so pale?", but warm and comfy outfit look. 

Went overboard on the fall leaf pictures at the library, as I always do each year.

Last, we like to take ourselves on little field trips every now and then.  The most recent was to a favorite store of ours-Asian Amigo. We got egg rolls (as evidenced my stash on the jacket), these super spicy seaweed things, a random assortment of vegetables, and a few other interesting things. 

I highly recommend visiting new places where you live! It's fun.

How are you over there on the other side of the screen?  What's inspiring you, what are you making or creating, have you watched anything worthwhile lately?   Reading anything good?

Tending and nurturing yourself well? I hope so. 
For an excellent read and watch-I recommend The Lost Kitchen. 

As for me-I'm off to try and pass my big Praxis this week and get better.  That and keep up with my over 550 students.  That should be enough, don't you think? :) 

Sending you love, light, and nourishment. 



  1. Ah, love your Rosy posts! I love when a new post pops up from you. My mom was a children's librarian, and my sister-in-law is a librarian in a school like you, so I love all your behind-the-scenes photos!

    1. Hi Sarah! I just took a peek into your blog and I love it! How lovely your photos and thoughts are-I'll definitely be a reader. :) :) I even noticed your living room ceiling and mine look close to the same! How cool. Thank-you for being here!


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.