There was before and there was after but there was ALWAYS good.

 Hello friends! I'm back.  I just simply couldn't stay away.  I proclaimed a social media break a few days ago and while I did try to stay away from all the things filling me with anxiety, I still found it was actually nice to read the good and positive others were putting out into the world. I mean, have you heard the trumpet player in Italy play "Imagine" from the balcony? Chills. 
That's what I'm here to do. 

The truth is in my title: there was "before" and there was "after" (which is where we are right now) but there has always been good to be found.  If you read my last blog post it's pretty clear this was before we knew how serious this coronavirus is.  I want to say a few words on that, and then move on to the rosy things I've captured.  The good if you will.  

All I know is this: we have been staying at home and away from people for almost a full week now.  Last Thursday had me driving to work, after dropping the girls and knowing in my gut something wasn't right with Betsy.  She had a cough that was alarming and wouldn't go away.  I went to work to make sub plans and thanks to my good friend who covered my classes for me, went right back to pick up the girls and get Betsy to the doctor.  It was pneumonia, a word I can now spell quickly and correctly and that makes me want to cry, honestly.  From last Thursday to this one has been extremely scary/high-anxiety for me.  If your child has had pneumonia or some other serious sickness and I haven't been as compassionate as I should have been, I'm sorry! 
I truly had no idea how scary this sickness is.  Tuesday of this week found us back at the doctor, after her fever came back and I still felt like something wasn't right.  I was right again.  We got a change in medicine and new directions from the doctor and thankfully it is slowly working.  She is finally starting to heal.  (sob)  

Here's the weird thing: when we were in town for the doctor's appointment we couldn't go in anywhere except for the X-ray clinic and the doctor's office. We were led out the back door of the X-ray clinic and our doctor had a full hazmat suit on.  Meanwhile, the gyms and restaurants continued to look pretty full around town, traffic only seeming a bit slower than usual.  The general public may have their opinion on this whole thing and whether we should take it serious or not.  At our house, we are taking it VERY seriously.  I was told at the doctor's office we could *try* and get Betsy a coronavirus test, but even if we did manage to get one the only different thing they would have us do is put her in a different room in the house.  To which I said, well if she goes I'm going with her! No way am I quarantining my 7-year old into isolation. 

All that to say, this past week I have been more scared for my girl than I have ever been, constantly wondering if the pneumonia was getting worse or if she has the coronavirus.  So, we are continuing to stay home for days.  Brett still has to work, so he is scrubbing his hands and changing his clothes when he gets home. 

The big, big blessing through all this? 
The people and prayers. We have been surrounded by an ARMY of prayers, texts, phone calls, and emails during all this.  So many that, if I haven't written you back yet-I'm sorry! The prayers have lifted us, like being held by hope balloons.  My co-workers are wonderful and have been so kind to send good thoughts and prayers, even being understanding when I needed to miss two days of work last week. 

My friend who has dealt with pneumonia called me and talked me through a bunch of things earlier this week.  A moment when no one else would have understood quite as well. 

My friend at work covered my classes for me, on a minute's notice.  

My mom let us relax in her home in-between appointments. 

Mary (whom I was supposed to fly and see tomorrow) immediately mailed essential oils for Betsy.

The list goes on.  
Now, let's continue the good list with what I've snapped the past couple of weeks.
Tired, happy me.  
Betsy drew this portrait of me and I absolutely love it! 

YAY! Natalie is starting a podcast! 
I cannot wait to listen! 
I believe it starts March 24.
A day in the life, lately. This was last week, before we shut ourselves in.
Luckily, I had some fun presents planned for the girls for when I was gone to Oregon so we pulled them out to have fun at home together instead.  Fancy bath bombs for the win!

My fellow librarian's daughter wrote and illustrated a book! 
Anna devoured it and read it so quickly, she wants Taylor to write another. :)
Made myself a bracelet.
Still trying to get dressed in "real" clothes while at home.
We have been enjoying art time! 
I drew this, inspired by Mo Willem's doodling videos he is posting daily. 
I adore his style and ideas about creativity, imagination, and art.
 This week has found me with time to try a new recipe. 
A gift! 
I haven't done that in AGES.
The day I thought Betsy might need to be admitted to the hospital. 
I put on my "joy" and "light finder" bracelet and my positive sweatshirt, just in case I needed extra super positive powers.
Beautiful color at my mom's house!
Drawing by Betsy. 
Read the first Bone book and loved it!
Fantasy isn't a genre I usually gravitate towards so I was super excited to like this one so much! Now how to get my hands on Bone book 2?
FaceTime with cousins!
The girls picked me this bouquet a couple of weeks back.

 My girl. 
She has been such a tremendous help during the past week. 
Very accurate still-life of the past week. 
Medicine, inhalers, coffee, and positive books to keep my spirits high.
 She has had the best attitude about being sick. 
 Yesterday we got to go outside for a while and that felt like such a treat and a gift!
Seriously, just being able to leave the walls of the house felt like a big outing! 
Things are starting to bud out!!
Although this spring feels so different than what I expected, I still stand with saying it's the best time of the year!

Amazing texture that caught my eye.
Silly girls. Playing in the creek with a nightgown on.  Why not?

 I thought this tree looked like it was dipped in paint, only instead of paint it's moss!
 Haha-I told Brett when I bought this mug at the thrift store I meant let's stay home for like a day or two.  Not forever.  (lol)
Yesterday I was exercising in the yard and found a 4 leaf clover....
only to turn it over and see it was some kind of weird, extra special 6-leaf clover?!
Paintings in progress! 
Having time to paint has made me very happy.  Even if it is just a few minutes here and there. 

Our days at home are including schoolwork for the girls and grad school homework for me. I still have LOTS to do in the next five weeks before my semester wraps up. 
I am also checking in at work and completing responsibilities there, 
doing normal chores, 
trying to exercise, 
and not expect too much other than that. 
Seriously, I have seen so many good schedules floating around the internet and I say to each their own.  Everyone seems to have such strong opinions on these weird times and how we should be spending our time.  I say you do you.  Whatever works for you!

I do hope you're clinging to good.
I have a list on my phone of all the good from each day of this social distancing. Maybe I'll share some things from it next time.  I think we must cling to the good, no matter what.  Light beats darkness, always.  

What is good in your world?


  1. Hello! I'm so glad Betsy is on the mend! Everything is so crazy right now and I've wondered what would happen if someone had an illness not related to this social scare. The fact that your doc had a hazmat suit on is certainly interesting.

    I've been thinking about your art and wondering if you sell your art only at certain times or if you have it listed somewhere where we can buy when we want. I love your work and have one piece in my office, but would love to slowly add to that one.

    Enjoy your days at home with your babies :) I'm about to go stir crazy, so I think I'll go find some flowers for the back yard today.

    1. Hi there! Thank-you so much for the kind words about Betsy! We are truly beyond thankful she is feeling better.

      As for my art-since I don't have my Etsy shop anymore I have little pop-up sales a few times a year on IG. I plan to have a sale sometime in the next few weeks! Stay tuned! :)

      I hope you found some beautiful flowers! Flowers always cheer me up.

  2. What a scary experience for you as a momma! I am so glad to hear that Betsy is recovering well. What a wonderful community you have to step in and encourage and support you all!
    All of our schools here in the Pacific Northwest shut down for six weeks. One of our boys (a freshman) still has online assignments given each day, our 11th grader has no school work assigned. I've been trying to take advantage of this time at home and slower schedules to cook with my boys, involve them more in prepping the veggie garden, and other things like that. We've had a lot more movie and game nights since there are no evening church activities or homework from school to be done! A week in and we are doing ok. I keep anticipating our state to go into a lockdown, but so far they are only encouraging people to stay home and have closed recreational facilities, schools and restaurants. We'll see what the upcoming days bring.
    Prayers for health for our nation and world. Prayers for stability for the economy and for small/medium businesses that will be touched by all of the lock downs and closures. I feel it will take us all awhile to fully see the ripple effect of this and to recover. Everyday I am thankful for the hope of Christ and that someone bigger than me has His hand and heart in all of this.

    1. Thank-you so much for your kind thoughts about Betsy!

      Are your schools going to shut down for the rest of the year? We aren't yet, but I'm seriously thinking it will happen. Just such bizarre times we're in! But, we (like you) are also finding ways to enjoy the slower pace.

      I hold the same prayers in my heart as you.
      Sending you light and love!


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