My Rosy: a weekly update

Here I am again, popping in this sacred space to share the bits of life that I've found beautiful.  Look, I know how to read blog stats and I know this practice isn't that popular.  I've said it a million times, almost every blog post lately it seems.  I think part of being a grown-up is just owning what works/doesn't work for you and moving ahead confidently.  Blogging works for me.  I've had seasons of being home a lot more with a lot less on my plate and for sure gobs more time to photograph all the details.  I've blogged a million words.  These days I'm picking up my camera several times a week and snapping some phone pics here and there.  

Even in the midst of a very disciplined season, I'm still me and there is still beauty and rosy in the routine just beckoning to be noticed.  

Last weekend the UGH of winter and January started to really get to me.  You all know I am completely a summer gal. Give me sweat, sunshine, and swimming holes any day. I'm a true river rat, through and through.  None of this grey, bleak January weather for me.  Instead of wallowing, I decided to look through all my old magazine tear-outs (yes, I still do this) and string up a colorful, inspirational wall by the kitchen.
The end result! I feel lifted just looking at all this color and happy.
Love this view of my afternoon coffee.
I officially said goodbye for now to my colorful Christmas tree collection.
My oldest. 
The morning light that seeps in on the weekend mornings just makes me swoon.

Dyeing eggs for a library object lesson! 
Librarians are storytellers, magic makers, counselors, artists, event planners, teachers, and more!
Big, weekend breakfasts are my fave!
Fun shot of my jewelry. 
I made the bracelet at a shop in Eureka Springs. A very sweet memory for me!

Rainbow magic!

The one spot of warm, buttery light on the table just draws me in. 
Once again, the small delight of a weekend and time to pick up my camera!

Good thing I've photographed this favorite mug several times because the handle just snapped off this week.  I do enjoy my robe, coffee, and a warm fire in the winter.  
Your turn: tell me something good!
I'm not sure what caused the shift in me, but I used to really want to share every single sketch, painting, and artistic thing I did. Perhaps it was because I was a stay at home mom with more time.  Now I find myself sharing less often. Either way, doesn't really matter but I've been reminded how much art fills ME up.  Not because I'm striving to make money from it or get noticed for it, but because the art pays me in full when I partake in it! My soul feels lifted.  Simply put, it makes me happy.  These are a few sketches I did last weekend, while sitting with my face in the sun. 
New art from Hobby Lobby!
And new art from Anna! I adore this.
Channeling all the happy vibes at work on a day when I felt a bit tired. 
My shirt says "When you cannot find the sunshine, be the sunshine", given to me by my best friend.
I always, always leave lunchbox notes.
So inspired by my students! 
An outfit I liked.
Dyed eggs to teach about the civil rights movement! We discussed the color and shape of the eggs and then I cracked the eggs in front of the kids. They were delighted to see they were hard-boiled.  All on their own the classes figured out the point of the lesson: No matter what color we are on the outside, our insides are the same. All humans matter!
A couple of weeks ago I made chocolate covered, peanut butter stuffed dates and then stuck them in the fridge. They are so, so good!
I love it when my girls just run with their creative ideas. Betsy grabbed an empty toilet paper roll and made this bird feeder one day!
I've always dreamed of a house with a brick wall.
Loved this sidewalk!
Exploring an old school house.
Having fun!

In other news: 
I'm almost done with Week 3 of grad school, while also continuing to work full-time.  I am working incredibly hard and have a perfect score on all of my assignments thus far.  

With that said, I'm trying to also make time for: exercise, friends, and fun. Of course, chores are a must as well.  Honestly though? We cannot do it all. I never believe someone who makes it look like they are.  Meals are on repeat around here and I don't see that changing. We're eating fast, mostly healthy things during the week and saving new recipes/more exciting meals for the weekends.

My point is I'm doing what I can in this season and trying to do it really well while also letting the rest go.  It's a learning process but I am so very, very thankful for this sweet season of life. 

Life is a gift.  
How are you embracing what you can/cannot do lately?


  1. WooHoo! You almost have a month under your belt. Great work. There is so much to balance for you right now, and it looks like you are doing it all well and with grace for others and patience for yourself.
    My one good thing for right husband and I are heading on a ministry trip to Liberia in a week! I'm nervous and excited for the adventure. We will be visiting a school that a church in our denomination started where women can learn how to run different businesses to support their families (tailoring, soapmaking, catering and fabric design). They are hoping to start more of these schools, and my husband and I would like to help with the fundraising for that. Looking forward to seeing what God has in store!
    Wishing you another week filled with rosy things!

    1. Thank-you for the kind words of encouragement!! I bet you are off on your missions trip this week. How exciting! You'll have to let me know how the trip goes! I bet you will have a lot of adventurous stories to share.

  2. I'm so glad you're still blogging. I've been thinking a lot about blogging and how much its changed over the years and how so many of my favorite blogs no longer exist.

    Keep on looking for the rosy!

    1. Thank-you so much for coming along and reading. You're right-blogging has changed tremendously. I have considered quitting too many times to count, but there's just something so refreshing (I think) about people still sharing their real, everyday life.


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.