From the pages of my art journal

 Friends, no matter what changes may or may not happen on this blog or in my life, I completely adore art.  It, along with cooking, reading memoirs, and photography, will just never get old to me.  I for sure have had seasons where my art-making has waned.  This year alone I've gone through periods where I was just simply adjusting to being a working mama and didn't feel like making art.  Even then, when I finally would put paintbrush to paper I promise you I just felt better.

Art has my heart for life.  The end. 
With that said, a tiny little practice that packs a BIG punch for my soul happiness is art journaling.  I used to think since I loved painting I needed an art journal filled with intricate, creative paintings and so I would be embarrassed to show magazine pages taped in or stickers stuck here and there.  I'm leaving the silly shame of that behind and going for it.  The beauty of art journaling is that it can mean so many things to so many different people.  It can even mean different things to me in different seasons.  For now, I'm really enjoying gluing favorite magazine pages down, writing quotes that inspire me, jotting little soul whispers on the pages, and putting stickers here and there.  Then if there's time I like to go in and add some paint.  

Here's a look at some of my pages I've started lately!  I'll probably add more to these as time goes on but for today I truly hope you're inspired to allow your creativity some space to breathe. 

Do you art journal? 
Why or why not? 


  1. Hola!
    I should Art journal, no doubt about it - but I don't because I don't think I'm "good" enough! I know, it's not healthy to think that way and I should see it as "practice" the more I art journal the better I'll get at it! :) I have journals for quotes, someone elses art, snailmail, gluebooks, etc.
    So my challenge now is to grab one of my "art" journal and go for it! Thank you for the inspiration!
    Happy smiles from Sara in Mexico.

    1. Hi Sara from Mexico! I love that we spell our names the same. :) You should FOR SURE art journal! I know those pesky "not good enough" thoughts, but truly my art journals are for me. They make me feel better by creating and I really like to go look through art journals from the past years! It is such a fun trip down memory lane. :)


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