Fog and Fairy-Webs

Do you know what a prayer looks like? Or the actual grace of God? 
I do.  To me, it looks like this. 

I had a morning a few weeks back where I was struggling to find the energy and motivation to get my day going.  I got out of bed, going through the millions of mom motions that must happen in order for everyone to get where they need to be, with what they need for the day.  In my productivity I happened to glance outside and felt myself gasp.  The most beautiful, mysterious fog had enveloped the outside world.  A quick glance at the clock told me all I needed.  I had just enough time to go out and actually experience this wonder world.  I threw my boots on, told the girls I'd be back in a few, and headed out.  As I started walking towards our back pasture, my feet quickening with each step, I wondered what the white stuff was all over the place. Then my heart began to beat a bit faster because I knew exactly what it was.  Fairy-webs.  

If you look close, you can also see 5 or 6 deer that joined me for a bit, leaving me with images of their white tails and hearing their snorts as they ran away.

I don't have any interest in knowing the science behind fog or what actually makes the fairy-webs.  Too much overthinking would do this moment an injustice. 

All I know is on this particular day I rose weary but was buoyed by hope after traipsing through the pasture and bending down to examine the fairy-webs.  

This, is the actual grace of God in my life.  A prayer in real life, if you will. 

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