My summer photo book with Blurb!

I'm excited to share another photo book I made using Blurb (an online book making service)!  I've always been a huge believer in actually doing something with your photos.  I don't mean just letting them sit on the phone either.  There is something so incredibly wonderful about flipping through an actual photo book or box of photos and take in all the memories.  A few seasons ago I started printing a giant photo book every season or so, kind of like a yearbook every few months. 

I recently waited for a coupon code from Blurb to show up in my inbox and ordered our summer photo book!  I like to load my photos and then let Bookwright, Blurb's book making program, do the work and automatically load the photos onto the pages, one picture per page.  I've done collages and different formats before, painstakingly creating each and every page.  I must say though, a full page with a full photograph is just my fave. 
You can pick hardcover or soft, what type of paper you'd like, and choose extra details like adding text to the pages.  You can literally make it as creative (or not!) as you want.  I love that their books are so customizable.  And no, I'm not paid a penny to say any of this.  They are just truly my favorite photo/book printing service! 
Without further ado, here's a look at some of my favorite pages!

Do you print your photos? 
Why or why not?

I encourage you to give Blurb a try!

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