My future is bright!

 These lyrics from Christy Nockels stopped me in my tracks this week. It's one of several reminders I've had lately that the future is bright. Sometimes I picture myself from the outside and see a mama in love with her family, a passion for photography and all things creative, and a heart forever wrecked and changed my foster care and adoption. Add to the mix the fact that God is currently teaching me how to live day by day and be flexible, and you can see why some days I'm scratching my head asking "Are you sure about this?"

 Long gone are the spring days of tight-fisting my "big" dreams, demanding them to grow even bigger.  But really just wanting to be seen and known for my creative side.

Instead our current decision to follow hard after foster care feels radical, when really it shouldn't. Have you read about the hundreds and thousands of kids and teens in the U.S. without a home?   Have you seen how many people are actually interrupting their lives to do something about it? 

That gap is radical. Doing something about it isn't radical but to me such an obvious path to take. There's a need and we can meet it! But I know how we must look.  I was just saying to Brett last week "Don't you know some people think we're crazy, with two great kids, a house, a boat, and a camper, and choosing to bravely walk into foster care and adoption." But I have stared the need in the face and couldn't turn back if I tried. There are real lives waiting for someone to speak up for them.

 It sometimes feels like in order to claim "My future is bright!" that you must also have a great five-year plan tucked in your back pocket, a list of healthy goals on the fridge, the perfect spring haircut in mind, and a vacation to top it off. 

The truth is, our futures are bright because of Jesus and Him alone. 
My future is bright because I'm known and loved by God. 
It's that simple. He is trust-worthy, strong, capable, and full of wonder. 
I can joyfully proclaim "My future is bright!" every day of my life with Jesus in my heart. 


  1. You are a beautiful and pure hearted soul

  2. Love your heart my sweet friend. He is trusty worthy, strong, capable and full of wonder!


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.