A beautiful fall day

Happy afternoon friends! How are you?  The sun is simply glorious this afternoon.  We have worked our muscles loading up firewood, talked about nothing and yet everything all at the same time, and enjoyed just being together.  This is the theme of our weekends.  We choose our busy-ness wisely.  A few weekends ago we took our annual trip to the local produce stand called Vanzant's.  We traditionally do this instead of visiting one of the many pumpkin patches around because getting in alone cost about $30 for our family.  At Vanzant's they have loads of pumpkins out and stuffed animals on display and the girls just adore going.  Plus, since we don't pay to get in, we get to buy pumpkins! 
We were delighted to meet the keeper of the pumpkins, "Blue". 

We were also delighted to have my mom-in-law join us!  Afterwards we all went to her house and carved the pumpkins.  I wanted to go all artsy and make something completely fabulous, but it was a lot harder than I remembered!  Do you carve pumpkins? 
Something about the bumpy pumpkins are just my favorite.  Maybe it's because they're not so perfect looking and THAT I can appreciate.  

It's these little traditions woven into our everyday, into the chapter of each season that truly delight us.  We look forward to fall and winter because we know they bring special activities, qualities, and delights that no other season brings.  We remember summer with great joy in our hearts, but we don't linger there.  Here is where the gift lies. 
I suppose there's a great lesson waiting in those words.
May you find great joy and beauty right wherever your here is today.

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I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.