{DIY} Dried Flower Wreath

Some people buy shoes online, run in marathons, or binge watch t.v. to unwind. 
I delight in a good hunt with foraging in the forest or seeing what can be found at the local thrift store.

All around our house is woods.  There is no shortage of interesting plants to find and study and appreciate.  In fact, I even discovered a whole crop of Passion Flowers a few weeks ago, a flower never before seen on the farm.  Of course, there's a story that goes along with it that I look forward to sharing with you on Saturday. 

I hope you had a pause long enough to read Tuesday's blog post in which I shared how creating art at the speed of life is changing my days, making them more soulful with creativity tucked in little pockets here and there.  Maybe it left you nodding your head and wanting to choose your own creativity, but simply being overwhelmed with all the choices. 

Should I sew/paint/cook/bake/redecorate/diy/take a class/read a book……
I get it.  It is both fantastic and frustrating how many choices surround us on a daily basis.  When you're a creative it is so easy to get overwhelmed because we're idea people.  Ideas aren't bad, but they can sure be bullies when they come by the bucketfuls and we just don't know where to start. 

Take a real deep breath and allow me to show you two very simple ways you can add even the tiniest bit of art into your life without needing to break the bank or use gobs of your precious time.  First, if you live close to any woods, have family that does, or can get to a park where something is up for grabs (I can never remember the rules about the national parks so check first!) an easy and decorative way to add some beauty to your home is by grabbing whatever interesting plant catches your eye and putting it in a vase, jar, or antique pitcher. 
Second, you can also just as easily, make a dried flower wreath.  I cut these beautiful cream dried flowers from the pasture and just knew they'd make the most quaint wreath. 

To begin, I gathered wire (like floral wire), my dried flowers, and scissors. I first made a giant circle with the wire and wrapped the end around the circle, cutting off the rest.
Then I laid the dried flowers down on top of the circle to give me an idea of how many I might need.
Next I began to wrap a second wire around the stems, attaching each bunch of flowers to the wire circle.  I don't think there is any right or wrong way to doing this but I did find it was easier to lay the flower stem down horizontal on top of the wire circle before wrapping. 

I told myself it was just like making a giant flower crown. 
Starting to come along….
and finished!  This whole project took maybe 10 or 15 minutes, max.  That's even including the time to cut the flowers!  In case you're still scratching your head, wondering what to do with your beautiful wreath, allow me!
You could hang a wreath on your family or guest's chairs for a special dinner party,
or hang simply from a cute metal hook.  Extra points if the hook is chippy! 
The wreath would also make a great addition to an old vintage window, 
or even hanging on a gate around your house! 
Which is precisely where our wreath ended up.  
It makes the farm gate look just a bit fancier, don't you think? 

I'll be back tomorrow to share one more quick idea on adding some creativity to your day in tiny doses. 
Any questions on living artfully, right where you are? Feel free to ask!

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