NEW: art, retreat schedule, ideas…Sign-ups for Rosy Retreats start now!

Hi friends both near and far! How are you?  Did you celebrate the new year, whether in a big fashion or small?  I'll let you guess which way we rang in the new year.  Small to most, but BIG to us.  Reflecting some on the past year, but mostly saying goodbye to a lot we don't wish to revisit over and over.  Instead, enjoying our favorite memories of 2014 as conversation took us on a stroll down memory lane.  And then….letting our words drift into the new year, with hopes and wishes and prayers for all that 2015 has to offer. We are mighty and hopeful and STRONG in the strength only God can provide….rosy in our real life, thanks to a daily dose of God's word and His promises, that we know are true no matter what life may hand us.  I mentioned on Instagram that 2014 was "silently hard" and it was.  But you know what friend? Lean in real close for this one-We're still here, we're very much loved, our hearts and family intact.  And we're ready to see where God will take us in 2015.
Artistically speaking, I wavered easily between two strong points of view.  On the one hand I have prayed about, mulled over, and discussed with Brett the ideas deposited in my body and soul for the new year, especially as far as my schedule goes. On the other hand, the phrases "slow" and "I don't know"  have jumped into my thoughts often and easily as well.  So with that said, I don't know all the tiny details that will leap into place in my life story over the next year.  Really, does anyone?!  But, I do believe lining up my schedule with the biggest things God has placed on my heart is wise and exactly good to do, to keep the temptation to say "yes" to every opportunity at bay over the next year.
Here's what I know to be very, very true:
My inspiration and ideas…once thought about logistically and talked over with Brett, are worth holding onto.  If I acted on every idea I had life would be a jumbled mess.  BUT, when I weed out the time-wasters and ideas that just aren't smart for this season and stick to what could only come to mind with the explanation of God, I'm right where I'm supposed to be. 

I know that not everyone will "get" or even appreciate my ideas.  That's ok.  I matter, God made me "me" for a reason, and He is the ultimate one I choose to please. 

Teaching, art, and inspiring others is absolutely in my blood.   100%, without me even trying, I just see ideas leap into my thoughts!  I look at junk and see possibility.  I create and instantly want to gather a community of women together to pass the joy on.  

I, of course, am mama first. You know that, I know it too.  

So with all that said, I look forward to continuing the success of my Etsy art shop in the new year, as well as blogging my happy little heart away.  

I just added four new art prints to the shop, which you can see below.  I have ideas and sketches galore jotted in my art journal for the new year as well.  This isn't the last of new ideas from The Rosy Life art shop! 
I'm also looking very much forward to fusing more creativity, energy, kindness, and community into my blogging.  I long to connect women.  
I have a whole list (quite a never-ending looking list, I'll admit) of new types of handiwork I want to try, projects to create, a handmade life to revel in and deeply enjoy.

And then there are Rosy Retreats, my one-evening or one-day retreats all about crafting and homemade living and this year, photography.  These retreats take place on the farm at the cabin.  This year I'm excited to go ahead and announce the ideas and concepts behind my three Rosy Retreats to give you and your calendar a head's up about what's to come. 
First, in April I'll be setting up my FIRST ever art booth at Vintage Market Days at the Bentonville, AR fairgrounds, Friday April 11th and Saturday, April 12th.  I am both nervous and excited! 

Then, throughout the months of May-July I'll be hosting three different Rosy Retreats.
1.) Craft Retreat: We'll make both crafts AND friends and eat delicious food!  We'll sit on the porch and relax, we'll unwind and connect with our creative selves.  All project supplies will be provided and I'll be ready to teach you how to create several different crafts, all within the comforts of the farm cabin!  
This is a one-evening retreat taking place Friday, July 17th from 7-10 p.m.  All craft supplies and appetizers are provided.  Cost $45.

2.) Photography Retreat:    When I pick up my camera, my focus shifts.  My eyes notice the tiny dimples in my daughter's hand, the moody light that seeps in each evening, the story the trail of toys on the floor tells.  I use my camera to truly capture the rosy that is tucked in among our routine.  Our lives are filled to the brim with deep emotions, memories worth saving, and joy worth capturing. Whether you shoot with a fancy DSLR in manual mode, stay in auto, or even use your phone as your main camera, this retreat will help you hone your eye on the magic and memories tucked among the mundane.
We'll learn about depth and perception in our photos, how shooting from different angles can tell a different story, and give ourselves time to simply be inspired and photograph what our hearts focus on.  We'll have instruction time in the cozy farm cabin, letting our conversation get to the heart of what we want our photography to be about.  We'll also have time to roam on the farm, stopping to practice and be inspired along the way. While my focus is mainly capturing your everyday just like it is, I'll also share some of my favorite photo props and styling tips. Last, we'll end by dining on appetizers on the porch, cameras in hand and equipped to capture a photo at the table that tells a story.  
This will be a one-day retreat, taking place Saturday, May 16th from 9:30-2:30.  Lunch, snacks, and retreat workbook are provided.  Cost $100. 

3.) Mama and Me Retreat-Instead of "bless this mess", does "stress and mess" enter your mind when you think of creating with your kiddos?  Do you feel overwhelmed by art supplies or knowing how to create engaging activities for your littles that will capture their imaginations?  This retreat is all about creating along-side your kids!  We'll visit several activity stations, each one set up with the supplies needed for a fun project!  I'll teach you and your child how to do the activity and then we'll let the fun begin!  As we learn and play together, I'll also share my best tips for painting with your children, everyday items that work great for projects, and my favorite free play activities for letting kids' explore AND learn.  We'll watch our kids' imaginations at work and you'll leave with plenty of ideas to let the fun continue in your own home. 
Parents: This retreat is best suited for children ages 2-6.  This isn't a drop-off retreat, but one you attend and participate in with your child. 
This will be a one-morning retreat, taking place Saturday, June 27th from 9:30-11:30.  All activity supplies and cold drinks are provided.  Cost $15 per child.

To sign-up email me at with your desired retreat(s) listed.  You will then receive an invoice via Paypal.  Due to the great amount of time I spend on each retreat, no refunds will be given.  

I hope to see you at a Rosy Retreat! 


  1. I think a fair amount of I don't know is a good thing for new year's resolutions. I don't have any resolutions yet, mainly because I want to think them through and the Christmas holiday isn't exactly the time to do that, but I know that I just want to do more of the things that I love, and that fill me up - how's that for vague!

    1. Not vague at all Carie! I actually found myself with more relaxed time at Christmas to reflect and then think about the new year with my husband on vacation and around to bounce ideas off of! I hope your new year includes more gorgeous photography and sewing! I love seeing what you're up to. And read your writing! Ever thought of writing a book?

  2. Sara,
    I love this post and all the upcoming events! You are so inspiring to me and I love everything aspect of your art and photography. You make me want to do better!

    I pray that God will richly bless your business this year and continue to increase your passion for the gift he's given you.

    1. Debbie, I appreciate your words and prayers more than you know! Thank-you so much!


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.