Crystal Bridges Art Museum

We live in such a unique part of Arkansas.  On the one hand we enjoy our farm and country home very, very much.  On the other hand, it's also super nice to be able to drive to places like the Crystal Bridges Art Museum.  It houses works of art that will blow your mind.  Famous pieces that we are so very fortunate to be able to see.  I feel like I have the best of both worlds in this part of the state.  

Brett and I got to visit the museum for an hour or so by ourselves lately.  We'd actually tried to take the girls the week before and had to leave after about 5 minutes.  Anna Ruth did just fine viewing but not touching.  But try telling that to my sweet Betsy Grace, who is two.  Does. Not. Compute.  We will have to try again when the girls get older, but for now I was thrilled to get to go back, camera in hand.  

My inspiration for my own art comes from a lot of places, but mostly from the patterns, textures, and colors on the farm.  Then I visit a place like this, with artists like these and my inspiration is blown away.  These paintings especially took my breath away.  Standing in front of them was awe-inspiring.

The artist stitched the hair on…..just brilliant. 
Something about this image just brought big tears to my eyes.  
Maybe that makes me weird or maybe a true artist. 
Whatever the case…I feel something huge when I see this.

The particular part of the museum we were viewing was a special exhibit called State of the Art.  The idea is that a team from Crystal Bridges hit the road to find what the current state of art is like in America today.  This is what they found, over 100 artists' work, each unique and creative.

I'd say the state of the art is doing very, very well, wouldn't you? 
At the end of the exhibit we stumbled upon this. 

Pure, colorful, imaginative bliss.  
I told Brett this is what the inside of my mind looks like and I think he believed me! :) 

I mean really.  This is just one of the best things my eyes have ever seen.  
Before leaving the warm, colorful museum and heading back out into the rain,
we visited my most favorite painting at the museum.
The Lantern Bearers.

Another tear-jerker for me.  I feel a peace and conviction all at once when I see this piece.

I sure do love Brett and appreciate how much he honors my passions.  
I had such fun with him at the museum! 

Do you like art museums?  If you're local, I sure hope you visit this exhibit before it comes down! 

1 comment:

  1. I loved some of those paintings! Of course, when I got to the pictures of the colorful room - I immediately thought of you :) I love the way you described that as being what's inside your head. That's what makes you an artist :)

    Thanks for the tour!


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