Truth: I'm not always cheerful. This sometimes comes as a shocker to my real life people who think they know me through and through because they read my blog. I feel like I've always tried to be consistently honest about the fact that my life isn't always rosy and I'm not always happy. I'm human too. But you know what, I can choose joy and rosy-glasses and happiness and that's all possible because Jesus Christ lives right in my heart. He's the one that wakes me up in the morning, starts me on my way.
And so a rosy life is very much possible because of my relationship with God. Last week was a bit of an "off" week. Nothing major, just lots of discipline for the girls, a few sore throats making me a bit tired. If I didn't live with the confidence of Jesus living right inside my heart, only being a prayer away, being my confidence and everlasting strength-I don't know how I would be able to choose joy and hope.
But, did you know that once we have a relationship with God, hope is literally only a prayer away. When things seem dirty and sad in life, I pray to see the rosy in the real life. God always, always reminds me of His faithfulness and opens my eyes right up. A lot of times I think I confuse "blessings" with tangible things I can see, like good food, extra cash, or a gift.
The real blessing in knowing Jesus to me, is the constant washing of my soul and eyes. One of my favorite quotes is "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." (Pablo Picasso)
Yes and amen. I'm so thankful that I know the Creator who is the ultimate artist. On the bleakest, darkest day I might could imagine, I still have full confidence of God's hope, life, and art in my life. He still whispers "look again" and makes my eyes light up with His goodness.
I hope you know Him......and my heart for Him. If you ever have a question about my relationship with Jesus please ask. I can't think of anything I'd rather wish for every single person on this planet, than to know they are loved by Jesus and to experience Him on a daily basis.
And so, when when regular 'ol life hands me lemons, I make lemonade.
Here's a look at my story of finding the rosy in real life:
Tomorrow, a look at what inspires my art!
Y'all come back now, ya hear? :)
You have such a great eye for the beauty in the world Sara. Your blog posts always lift me up!