Hi friends, both near and far! How was your weekend? We celebrated Anna Ruth turning THREE years old all weekend long and I can't think of a better way we could have spent our time. Tutus, curled hair, watching extra t.v. instead of napping, running around town with Dad...those are the things that mattered most to my gal.
Personally, I worked on a couple of easy-peasy projects this weekend too. I don't do well getting an idea in my head and writing it on the "to do" list week after week. Unless it's something that I'm really, really, REALLY wanting and thinks will fit into our daily life well, I'm just not going to devote weeks to a project. But you don't have to! Did you know that? So often I think we trick ourselves into thinking the best ideas are the longest and/or most expensive and to me, that's just not the case.
I ordered some prints from my Instagram account from Prinstagram for Brett's Father's Day present and got a few extra for myself. I'd been in a very tired slump (think: teething baby...forever) so I wanted to print some pictures to remind myself of all the rosy. There is a ton by the way.....rosy, that is.
For this inspirational wood block I grabbed a scrap from the pile by the playhouse, a few bits and pieces of my favorite scrapbook paper, a picture, and metal clip I bought at a local craft warehouse for 70% off. To assemble this cutie....I taped it all to the wood with Scotch brand masking tape. My favorite tape EVER for all kinds of projects (hint: it even works well taping photos to the wall and doesn't take our paint off!)
And there you have it! A rosy little project in about 10 minutes....
that sends all kinds of positive thoughts my way every time I look at it.
I'd also been wanting to spruce up the garden and add my own special touch. I'll be the first to admit that Brett is the master gardener. Any knowledge I may have (I'm slowly learning) is because I listen to and watch him closely to see how it's done. I said last year I would add my decorative touch to the garden and never got around to it. Not so this year!
One morning while the girls played I tied some fabric scraps to one side of the garden wire and then quickly stenciled and painted an old pallet while they napped. I topped the look off with a fab blue chair and potted plant....
done and much more rosy.
Of course our vintage chalkboard hung on the front porch never disappoints when it comes to rosy list-making...
neither does this. I spent some time browsing through my collection of inspiring books and magazines this weekend, doing a bit of sorting, dreaming a little but also thinking practically about some upcoming announcements I'm excited to share.....
just being. Piddling, if you will.
And how are you adding a bit of rosy to your regular routine this week?
I'd love to hear.
(if you're on Instagram, come follow me here to see a fun giveaway I'm hosting from my Etsy art shop ! Giveaway ends Friday!)
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