Dear December,

Dear December,
You snuck up on me. 
It was October and the most brilliant autumn I've seen in years,
and then suddenly I blinked and YOU were here. 
I braced myself for you this year. 
Running here and there, the present buying, package wrapping, fired-up frenzy that happens around this time of year. 

I stood waiting for your over-crazed, evil best friend "MORE" to come knocking at my door. 
Offering to show me all the ways I am less, and need to be doing more. 
But this year, you surprised me.  "MORE" was a no show. 

Instead I was met at December's door with a beautifully decorated home, 
handmade style.  Little trinkets and art from the girls everywhere.  Not Better Homes and Gardens worthy...but better.

Instead of going more places and doing more things, you handed us a vacation package of snow days that kept us in, safe, warm, and together.  You December, taught me how fun, educational, and freeing it can be to stay home. 

Twinkle lights tucked in every nook and cranny,
overstuffed hearts with the anticipation of celebrating your birthday. 

December, you've surprised me this year.  Thank-you for stuffing stillness in all the right places,
a quietness than can be felt.  Thank-you for shining more light at just the right times, for reminding me we are not overcome with darkness.  You're so very welcome in my heart this year December.   You are paving the way for a very different kind of 2014.  Tell January I'm ready. 



I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.