Beautiful scenes and things..

Something I've been pondering a lot, especially since attending the Arkansas Women Blogger's Conference is-What is the purpose of my blog?  I'll be sharing more on this heart question later, but I could easily sum it up in a simple tagline-Finding the Rosy in the Routine. 
I say the "routine" because we all get up, get dressed, shower (most days), do laundry, cook, sweep, clean, teach kids or co-workers, eat, clean some more, pray, pray, pray............
my life isn't all bunting and banners, photos and parties.  It's real, it's messy, it's full of the same tasks, over and over.  That's routine in real life. So, my constant question to myself and others is-if we're going to live on this earth and have routines and things we have to get done, could we not find a little bit of rosy-ness in the middle of it? 
I think so.  I know so.  I know that on the days when the sight of another Cheerio on the floor literally makes me want to cry and hide I can glance up at a special bouquet of farm wildflowers and be calmed.  

When I'm tired and a nap, rather than running, is calling my name I can take a minute to stand still and read a scripture posted in my home.....tuck it in my mind and go run.  Finding the rosy in the routine. 

 These pictures are all beautiful to me.  They weren't taken on a lavish vacation, or on a day "off".  As moms, we never have days off!  Instead they were found here and there, during my normal daily routines.  They jumped out at me and filled my mind with gladness, rather than grumpiness. 

I love the verse that says "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. "
I think the truth for me is..I often get too caught up in the tasks that seem to "get in my way", when really they are just what's required for living.  The truth is God has created us for a special purpose and reason, not to torture us.  The truth is we will have struggles, sadness, and frustration on this earth but it doesn't have to overcome us.  The truth is God, beauty, and rosy-ness can be found in most days.  The other days God can place memories of rosy things, or people in our lives at just the right time to carry us through. 

I hope you find the rosy in your routine today. 

1 comment:

  1. Perfectly and wonderfully said, friend. You're an inspiration!!


I've got a new blog! Come see. :)

Room for the Rosy  is my new blog. I hope you'll come see.