Hello Summer Fun (DIY Sensory Board)

 Hello Summer,
you've officially arrived! 

Hello playhouse,
you've provided endless hours of imagination and fun already! 
(Hello plans to design a "real" playhouse with doors and windows this fall!)
 Hello Betsy Bright-Eyes,
and hello weight gain.
Hello chubby rolls,
on a still small body.
Hello healthy. :)
 hello fun! 
Hello Granna and Poppa delivering a big treat for Anna's birthday.
 Hello helper,
(Anna takes her job of helping very seriously).

 Hello new pink slide! 
Hello to going FAST and landing on a quilt at the bottom. 
Hello to "I need the hand" and Anna learning to be brave.

 Hello homemade sensory board,
made from paint samples, fabric scraps, coffee cup sleeve, and an old Cheerios box.
Hello joint play,
and Anna Ruth teaching Betsy what each thing on the sensory board is. 
Hello creativity,
Hello trying to keep up with the speed of my girls' learning and imaginations,
Hello hot days, and cool mornings.

Hello to reading books (Currently: My Life in France), and magazines galore (Artful Blogging, Mary Janes Farm).
Hello to seeing a dear friend this weekend (I can't wait to hug your neck!),.
Hello to homemade iced latte's. 
Hello to morning bible time and a list of thankful things.

{What are you saying hello to this week?}

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is Nicéia, I from Brazil. I like the your toys, beautiful. I am Teacher the babys.
    Kiss for you. By.


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