The start of 2021...and when you'd rather be eating a sandwich.

I didn't mean to take a break for so long, but so it is with this season of life. I won't bore you (or my future self who looks back on the blog) with the intricacies that make up the week to week. If you know, you know!  Instead, thought I'd pop in and document the little bits of good from 2021 so far.  

I've actually been under the weather the past few days but am glad to say with gobs of rest and sleep, water, Vitamin C, Elderberry (thanks to my twin sis), and bone broth I am feeling more like normal. Speaking up and taking a sick day when I'm sick isn't something that comes easily to me, especially when I'm responsible for two schools.  However, as I shared with my super kind principals, I typically push myself and keep working until I end up much sicker, longer.  I think if the past year has taught us anything at all, it's that perhaps our wellness should be prioritized a bit more than what used to be our norm.  So here's to speaking up for what we need, guilt-free.  

We adventured in the month of January to one of our favorite places in the entire world, the Buffalo River! This is usually just a spring, summer, and fall retreat for us so experiencing it in winter was something new.  It was very cold but we hiked so hard we worked up a sweat, shedding our layers along the way. 

We came across the old house below and it had this wall paper inside.  I got the most magical feeling standing in this room.  Like a few tears in the eyes kind of magic.

Anytime the sun is out I just bask in it! I'll always be a sunshine, summer girl.
Caught this beautiful sunrise.  All that color was gone so quickly I was glad I had captured it with my camera. 
We've had more snow, even if it is just flurries, this year than in the past.  Gotta be honest though, I'm ready to move on to spring weather, gardening, and camping.

Now for the billions of phone photos I snap here and there because my phone is always in my back pocket.  Bringing some FUN to the library with these pipe cleaners!
Standing, sitting, being in the sun....feels healing to me. 
I LOVE the sight of a full mailbox in the library!
Checking myself in the crowded back room of the library. Often I haven't had a chance to glance in the full length mirror until I get to work! Mornings are for studying before work and are pretty packed. I really need to pick my clothes out the night before because my brain is just too tired in the morning. I'm so ready for throwing a dress and cute pair of shoes on and calling it done! I'm not a fan of layers.

Ok, so I did really like these layers.  I'm in my favorite shoes in the world-Vans! They are seriously THE most comfortable.  Plus they have animal print on the sides.  LOVE.
Fun leftovers from working at home! People who think teachers leave at 3:15 and are done for the day don't get the full truth! 
I thrifted this jacket thing and really like it! It had massive shoulder pads in it so I cut them out. I'm gonna have to say these jeans are tied with my Madewell jeans for being my favorite.  Actually, I might even like these a bit better! They are Time and Tru from Wal-Mart and cost $20 or less. 
Favorite snacks!!
The mug that got away.  I told myself I couldn't buy another mug but then I've stared at this picture a thousand times since and wish I would have bought the silly thing.  Can anyone relate?
...."and off she went to change the world"...

This quote did something to my heart.
Girls' shopping/thrifting day!! Isn't this boutique gorgeous?! It is Beautiful Lives Boutique-a resale shop and is stunning.  
Who else takes care of their family/household, work, and all of the other tiny things around them day in and out?

Do you take care of you too?
This is me, taking care. I'm trying to include myself on the list and give myself as much value and priority as I do everyone else around me. 
New books in the library and getting to share them with students is even better than Christmas!!
One of my absolute greatest joys this January was watching this bulb bloom.  My Grandma and Papaw mailed us this with a sweet little note saying they thought we'd enjoy watching it bloom.  We sure did!! I plan to make a bulb like this a winter tradition.  This was absolutely stunning!

Fact: this year I have my kids in library for 50 minutes and it's about an hour too short.  Seriously! I always say I could easily have the kids for at least an hour and a half.  There's just so much to do with them! So many ideas to explore, so much fun to be had.  These are two new areas I've added in the library.  I'm trying my hardest to keep things interesting and engaging, even with all of the Covid guidelines. 

On that note-I got vaccinated this week! I know everyone has their strong opinion about whether to get the vaccine or not and I'm not here for an argument, or bullying, or even for trying to persuade you one way or another.  Personally though-it was a day of celebrating and relief.
I seem to wear this combo a lot! Seriously you all, my outfit creativity is hardly anywhere to be found lately. Help! I need warmer weather and less layers to have to plan.

Beautiful light and shadows.

These two works in progress really have my mental attention. I know they're sitting in the craft room, I like the direction that they're headed in, but just can't seem to align the inspiration and time to keep working on them.  Still, they feel like two friends just sitting there patiently waiting on me and I like that.
Another favorite snack! I also like almond butter too! I've been eating a ton of celery lately. It's so quick and easy-I can shop up a few stalks and add some hummus or nut butter for my lunch in like two minutes. 
Candles every night. 
These were from our adventure to the Buffalo!
Told ya it was cold! It was extremely refreshing to work up a sweat in such cold temperatures though.  Felt good!

We saw around 60 Elk on our drive! You all-it was AMAZING.  The most we have seen before is like 2 or maybe 3.  There were people pulled over on the side of the road everywhere, stopping to look and take pictures.  Truly stunning!

We also saw snow this day, an Eagle, animal tracks, and all kinds of neat things in nature.
I've been taking both of these since August and on the days I don't take them I can really tell a huge difference.  As in, a racing, anxious heart that won't calm down. Want to help your calm, stress, and mental well-being tremendously? Take these.  Absolute game-changers for my health and well-being. 

The magnesium gummies can be found at your local health food store and the Joy-Filled can be ordered online.
Date afternoon at a bookstore, naturally.
This was way back before the semester started, putting my heart into planning.  Those rainbow stripes make it easier to put my heart into it.  I'm a Happy Planner gal for life!
The car wash makes me happy.
These little pieces found themselves up next to each other in my craft room and I took it as a sign. 
Massive, delicious breakfast.  

Having fun and exploring our neighboring town on New Year's day!! We have it all here in NWA-cool art museums and exhibits, nature, good thrifting, biking trails, camping....

can you tell I really love where we live?
A very librarian looking outfit.
And back to the title of my post-"when you'd rather be eating a sandwich the size of your face because it's cloudy and rainy outside but you eat this instead and then feel wonderful afterwards"..

Can anyone relate? :) 

What's up in your part of the world?  You hanging in there ok with Covid? It hasn't gone away, people seem to have forgotten that.  We're still living in the midst of a deep pandemic.   

Are you reading or watching anything good? 
How are you caring for you?

We're in the midst of Brett completing some really beautiful home projects (I'll share pics later), have plans for a summer vacation and are looking forward to all things spring.

Mostly I'm rising early to study, working my tail off at my two schools and loving my life with students at both, coming home to cook dinner, do chores, exercise, and have an hour or less to unwind before doing it all over again.  Thankful for: meals my Momma brings me, my mom-in-law watching the girls at least twice a week, my village of friends who help me with the girls, text me, and chat with me at work, a stack of books to read, Jesus, grad school off to a good start for the semester, and hope.

I heard a quote once that said something like gratitude makes hope sustainable.  It does! I remember saying a whole year ago that if I didn't write down the good and capture it with my phone or camera, all I would remember would be the hard.  The endless quarantine, the unknown and fear.. and while those things were true the good was too.

My little snippets, even though they're not always with my nice Nikon or perfectly styled, are my gratitude and they sustain my hope. Oh! And journaling does this too.  I journal regularly.

How are you sustaining your hope?
Jesus is the thread that weaves all these little self-care acts together. 
'Till next time my rosy friends!

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