This photo sums my life up.

One night this week we were all gathered around the table for dinner, a PBS Nova special playing in the background.  I find it fascinating my kids would find facts about carbon as interesting, or even more so, as a Disney show.  As I carefully set my bowl of chili down my eyes took in this scene, for probably about a second. 

Just long enough for the thought to register in my mind that THIS is art. 
This photo very well represents my life currently.  I didn't style this shot or move the feather and book here and there.  This is life just actually showing up AS art.  It's such a true representation of where I am these days.  I think that's why I like this moment captured so much. 

There's the bowl of chili, which we were actually eating for day 3.  Quickly following that thought was a mini instance of guilt for feeding my family leftovers.  When in reality I think I should be satisfied and maybe even proud for getting a homemade meal on the table, every single night. 

There are the books I'm always trying to make better use of my time with by reading.  I just finished Imperfect Courage and highly recommend it.  I'm now reading/underlining my way through Stretched Too Thin.  This book has been excellent for me as a new working mom.  I've said it a dozen times.  I've been a working wife, I've been a mom, but this is my first time to be a working mom/wife.  It's new water for me to navigate and any sort of healthy guide to give insight on this season I'm grateful for. 

There are the spelling words and homework that come with first grade for one of my kiddos. 
The art supplies that always take over the table, causing us to shove the markers aside so we can set our bowls and plates down. 

The feather?  I can't explain that one or where it came from yet it makes complete sense it would be there too.  We are nothing, my girls and I, if not mystified by the world around us.  From opening our eyes and mouths in awe at the fog and two bucks behind our house in the early morning, to stopping and staring at the flock of birds that fly overhead each evening, the world is a mystery to us.  We fully intend to keep it that way, and drink it up wonder by wonder.  So the feather? Makes complete sense. 

This photo, in a single moment, sums me up.  
Life right now isn't neat or tidy and I still have messy questions, piles of them in fact, that ride around in my heart all day long.  I don't really even know how to sort them or make sense of them. 

Yet, life moves on and day by day we stop and say hello to our bird flock. 
We stoop down to gaze at the acorns and lift our eyes to changing leaves and give smiles just one. more. time. at the kiddos at school who need it so much.  
I drink my coffee, do my lunges and squats, and take deep breaths in-between all the somethings happening.  The simple nothings happening in-between all the somethings? 

The real richness of life. The piles like this one? 
The truest art form because a photo like this one shows love. 
Because as Van Gogh so spot-on says "There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." 

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