My fancy fancy gal

 We attend the most wonderful preschool a couple times a week and each year they have a book character parade.  Last year Betsy made it to school in her costume but as soon as she spotted me in the crowd watching, burst into tears.  Onto my lap she went, splotchy eyes but a happy heart because she had her mama to sit with for the parade. This year Betsy has shown a whole new level of bravery at school.  Her teacher has truly made Betsy's year wonderful.  When it came time to pick a costume for the parade Betsy wanted to be "Fancy, Fancy", a.k.a. "Fancy Nancy" to the rest of us plain folk. 
 I helped Betsy get into costume and let her personality do the rest of the talking.  
You can see for yourself, my fancy, fancy gal. 

Betsy is confident and joyful and silly. 
She's brave and sensitive and loves all the flavors of food. 
She tells me she loves me all the time and sometimes says "I like you so much." 

My fancy gal puts a lot of joy in my world! 

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