A cheerful heart (and list)

How about a cheerful list for this Fri-YAY?!
Because I've learned this scripture is so very true. 

In no particular order of importance, here's my continual feast of happy lately: 
second cups of coffee
This is Us
"Just breathe"
loud music in the car alone
book requests coming in from the library
chocolate from Conscious Cocoa (local people, look this up!)
spring blooms
my new camera
photography (love, love, love)
"Friday flannel"-where I wear my favorite flannel shirt-again
texting my twin over both ridiculous and serious things
vanilla scented candles
peppermint essential oils rubbed on my face
my Converse sneakers
making mom friends at the park
planning our nursery update
spring cleaning! 
the blogs Shutterbean and the Art of Simplicity
Taylor Swift (don't judge)
browsing cookbooks
visits to my grandparents
learning to hand-letter
watching the girls make paper airplanes with Brett
watching Brett be such a sweet Daddy
Worship and Believe by Stephen Curtis Chapman
a clean pantry
planting seeds in the garden
just the right amount of wind
pretty tea cups
the sun, warm on my face
sprucing up the porch
talking to cows
spending time with family on Sundays
browsing Target alone
signing up for a race with Brett (send help. For me)
going to Natural Grocers
dancing (in the car, at home, etc)
talking with the girls in the car
spending less
planning spring travel
dreaming of camping
being in my 30's
finding random hearts
dates with Brett
coffee with friends
the Lion King soundtrack
pruning the back fence row (dreaming of flowers instead of thorn bushes)

What is making your cheerful list? 

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