Brunch and the beauty of quiet.

I feel like this time of year is a funny one, our minds and bodies going from one extreme to the next.  When just a few weeks ago we wanted to buy/eat/do all the things and now we're begging for less stuff, less food, less of everything.  It's a funny little time of year, this whole new year business.  

I get a bit tickled and a bit overwhelmed at the start fresh quotes, ideas, journals, and more filling up my social media feed.  I'm not a scrooge and I'm not against it.  I've certainly spent my fair share of time reflecting the past day or two as well.  But as I look back on these photos from a few weeks ago my heart beat slows to a relaxing pace, my "to-do" list quietens, my thoughts are at peace.  There is beauty in the quiet. 

This particular afternoon was a favorite of mine.  It was simple and I suppose, far from quiet with Brett running the chainsaw.  But our imaginations were active, our bodies were moving, and our hearts were quiet with the simple pleasure of being outside and with each other. 
That is my first big lesson I want to take into the new year. 

There is such beauty in quiet, in the simple act of being together and just living our lives fully.  In showing up and being fully present, noticing every ring on the wood, pretending the sawdust is snow, and capturing that magical light just one more time. 

Another most favorite memory of mine from the holiday season was a simple brunch we hosted for my dearest friend and family member.  I cooked a whole slew of food and at precisely 10:00 we sat down to a simple, but beautiful table. 
Adding a few extra touches like lit candles made it feel especially calming and quiet.  

We lingered at the table, my most favorite spot. 

Afterwards we sat by the cozy fire, played Memory, and watched Beauty and the Beast.  The two grown-ups *may* have even gotten teared up but I'll never tell. 

The word again that comes to mind when I see these photos is quiet. 

I don't necessarily mean actual quiet without a single sound, although I personally do need at least a few minutes of this a day!  Instead, to me having a spirit of quiet means phones down, a candle lit, and maybe some music playing. It means slowing down and doing one task at a time, not worrying about the future or dwelling on the past.  Quiet living means living in freedom and trust in God.  

That's exactly where my heart is this morning.  I have lists by the dozens and ideas for the new year too.  But I can hear God encouraging me to slow down, take it one day at a time, and live a quiet life. Sometimes that's the loudest way, most rich way to live, in starting with the quiet rhythms.  

What do you think about a quiet life?  Where are your thoughts this new year? 


  1. I love quiet, that's why I look forward to December 26th. Everything was wonderful and fun during Thanksgiving and Christmas but kinda stressful and overwhelming too. So these are the days I look forward to.

    1. I like the quiet too. Sitting by the fire in the evening and early, quiet mornings are my favorite ways to start and end the day.


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