What I Wore.

Confession: I feel a bit silly posting this.  It doesn't help matters that I'm in my Razorback t-shirt that actually used to be Brett's and not a bit of makeup on while I'm typing this.  Have you seen the fashion posts some gals do?  I'm seriously amazed at them, each day a new styled outfit with jewelry and makeup to boot!  

Some days that's me, but not everyday.  A few days a week I dress in a tshirt or sweatshirt and jeans.  No makeup and hair in a ponytail.  Simply because as a stay-at-home-mama my job is teacher, housekeeper, cook, and laundry lady most of the time!    

I do care about how I look though and want my girls to see me making an effort.  I love to shop, just at thrift stores these days!  I have never met a pattern I didn't like and almost never wear plain colored clothes.  Over the last few weeks and months I've captured a few outfits I really liked on myself and thought I'd share! 

(since taking this I'm getting new glasses! Woohooo!)
(of course, a baby gal on my leg.  My outfit isn't complete without that!) 
Over the last few years I've been about five different sizes it feels like, with being pregnant and not pregnant, but still a little heavier.  Then last year running and eating low-cal became my hobby for a few months and I was the super skinny version of myself.  And then there's now.  I'm naturally a curvy gal and have found a healthy lifestyle I feel most comfortable with myself in.  Not super skinny, not to heavy either. Just me. 

I've also started dressing how I feel comfortable and confident…pretty even. :)  That usually means skinny jeans or leggings and plenty of layers!  I especially love pairing a dress over one of these options, seeing as I don't love my "mummy tummy" .  But it is what it is and I love the message Stacy and Clinton used to share on What Not to Wear, to dress the body you're in right now, the best way possible!  

I'm having fun finding ways to dress that I feel great in and complement my body type as well.

What about you?  Do you have fun with your clothes? 
Where do you shop? I'd love to hear!


  1. Well right now I have about two outfits that fit if you don't count PJs so I'm usually wearing one or the other!! I don't know how long it's going to take me to start to fit into some of my other clothes but I'm trying to take it gently and just enjoy Pip's babyhood without worrying too much about what I look like - so nursing tops and leggings it is!

  2. I think you're adorable and I so admire your bent toward thrifted clothes. I am 47 and I am just now learning to dress for MY comfort and not what I think other people want to see. I have always been tall (5.10) and slender but in the past few stressful years I gained some weight. Last year I lost almost 50 pounds and since then have found myself being a slave to the scale-always wanting to lost a few more pounds. Recently, I have decided that I am 47 years old and doggone it, I am "skinny" enough. I've had four kids and served alongside my sweet husband in full-time ministry for 27 years. I am just gonna be happy with where I'm at! I don't plan to abandon smart and healthy eating choices, but I am also going to enjoy a cinnamon roll occasionally! I've earned it. After all, life is about progress not perfection! :-) And that applies to many more things than eating and dieting! I love seeing your outfit posts. Now we need to see your new glasses. Did you order them online? Warby Parker perhaps? :-)

  3. You are so adorable and I love the colors and patterns. It is so hard to take pictures of yourself with confidence. I struggle with it as well but I am finding that it holds me accountable to put some effort into how I look for others and to feel better about myself.


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