Back to school around here!

Hello readers. :) Are you getting back into the swing of things where you are? I am currently watching one of our kittens furiously spin around in circles to chase its tail and some days I feel like that but less so now than a couple of weeks ago. We are definitely settling into a good back to school routine.  I am at my same two schools this year as librarian, my favorite job in the world. 

I'm going to keep the words pretty short and sweet here, but remember-these are the good things I've piled up over the past few weeks.  I always hope this inspires you to seek out the good and the tiny truths of joy that lay waiting to be found. 

This little dresser set up is my favorite.  I spray painted this piece of furniture green several years ago and I still love it. 
This was taken on a VERY stressful day but you know what? I was surrounded by my teacher friends and so everything felt doable.  I love my people. 

Just this.
The line that says "Joyfully rebel. Fill every room with hope" puts tears in my eyes every single time I read it.

The view out one of my windows. 

First day of school rainbow balloon fun!

On the second day of school we had literal rainbows. 

Kid art is the best art.
The end.
Librarian life. 
Lots of school prep happening at home...hoping to get more of a balance in a week or two.

smoothie for breakfast
quinoa salad for lunch!

These energy drinks aren't an everyday thing but they are my favorite! 

Tried this and it was also delicious..

Somebody learned to braid. :)

Is there any better feeling than coming home on a Friday afternoon and putting your feet up?
Nope, there's not.

My sweet girls and I! 

My mom (seamstress extraordinaire) fixed this animal print skirt for me and I wore it two days in a row. It's Ann Taylor, but a Goodwill find for me. 


One grad school class left to go. I can't even comprehend it. 
It makes my heart flutter to think about just having work and home life on my plate and FREE TIME.  

Outfit: pants from Target, vintage thrifted shirt.

Passionflowers are SO cool! Also, you should Google the meaning. 

My mom-in-law gave me the most gorgeous flowers.  That color literally makes me feel calm inside.

Found a smiley face.

This girl does love books! And working with kids. My fave!

Topo Chico is also a new fave, but not in the plastic bottles. Out of glass bottles is the way to go! I adore a carbonated water and nothing beats theirs.

Lisa Congdon book pages turned into library art.

Confetti balloons-a fun sounding idea that ended up with me being covered in confetti. 

Back in summer, when I could wear my jeans with holes whenever I wanted. :)

Quite possibly my favorite pair of shoes. The coolest (as in temperature) for sure. I love my Lotta clogs! I've had them two or three years and they just last and last.  I'm contemplating another pair of clogs for winter.

The girls and I enjoyed a little adventure to the botanical garden on one of our last summer days!
Isn't this a beauty? I could look at this all day.

SO much happy color!


Devil's Den hike with the family. During Covid Devil's Den quickly became a favorite spot for us.

I mean-that view! Just stunning.

Nails done for the first time. :) 

My sister dehydrated these tomatoes and they were SO good!

Twin time.

Just another day in my clogs with my favorite skirt. It is SO hot this week-like highs in the upper 90's. I think a skirt is the best way to go. 

Nikon camera pics! We have been over run with an abundance of tomatoes this year, both cherry and regular.  Brett has been canning them like crazy and we've been freezing the cherry tomatoes whole.

If you look close you can see deer all over the back pasture. 


I had a quick conversation with a friend today about how posting or talking about the positive isn't from a fake place for me and it also doesn't mean I'm always drawn toward the good.

Quite the opposite.  My highly-sensitive personality in fact, feels the weight of the world times five million.  But that also means if I work hard at it, I have the capacity to feel the GOOD and joy of the world (which is Jesus) too.  So I look and look and there it is.  Always something to cheer, make me smile, and bring me joy. 

I hope you find Jesus and joy today friends. 


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