What a funny little title, what a funny little year!
What hasn't been funny though is the fact that we've been in quarantine. We're almost out now and our relatives who tested positive for the virus are almost all better. I think I'm finally letting my breath out a little. I only let myself confess twice how scary it was to hear my relative had a positive test. I sent a desperate, trying to be brave text to my assistant principal (and friend) and told Brett how nervous I was. Then it was time to pray, manage work and the girls' school from home, and put one foot in front of another, looking around for the light along the way.
And that brought us here, almost two weeks later! Thank-you Jesus for being with us, littering our path with goodness and HOPE!
I've actually been working on this blog post for quite some time. I don't see how I could ever walk away from this online journal of sorts. It feels almost like coffee, I simply cannot imagine life without it!
On the whole debate of "to social media or not", I will say I'm going to take a break from posting on Instagram for a while. Earth-shattering news to you, I'm sure! (lol)
I like the space and weight my words can hold here. If for no one else but myself, but hopefully when you pop in you feel that deep, relaxing feeling and think "it'll be ok". I like the stories I can write here. What a trip to look back on 2019 and think how I knew nothing about what was to come. You probably didn't either. None of us did!
You know what though? I've been taking photos, whether on my phone or with my Nikon throughout 2020. Haven't quit for a single week. When I go back and look over the photos and snippets of film (movies) I've captured I don't see big, bad Coronavirus at all. I see flowers, creativity, art, light, color and pattern. I see the world through wonder. Isn't that something?
With that said, yesterday I had a chills moment. An afternoon I'll remember forever. I had an idea, which is nothing new! Usually I have more ideas than I know what to do with. But this particular idea came to me while I was out in the yard. The sun was shining just right and the light was crisp and happy. My heart was racing at the thought of my idea and not even the anxious racing it's had so much in 2020. Just the pure bliss, magical, hopeful, happy, excited racing! I briefly thought, this is a 2019 feeling!
It was rather jarring to feel a dose of happiness that I didn't have to push anxieties aside for or squeeze stress out of the way to make room for. Just pure happiness!
Aren't we allowed those moments still in 2020? I think so. So much of the world/news/Facebook (UGH) seems all doom and gloom. My goodness, where is the living in that? I don't know. I wrote in one of my grad school papers recently that "kids need grown-ups who can look barriers in the eye and then do something about them." I don't know about you, but I'm just not able to do that when I'm carrying doom and gloom around like they're my two new bff's. You know?
Well, sorry guys. Didn't mean to preach you a sermon there! I'm just finding healing in belly laughs, friends who stop by the library to say hi (Hi Kimberly!!), sunsets, playing with creativity, and reading books. Here's a look at my everyday life and moments that caught my eye. Enjoy!
The skies sure are stunning lately.
The girls back to school gift were fish! I admit, they are so peaceful to watch.
Glued these little rainbows on this lamp.
Having fun one afternoon with some stamps!
Still, the most used room in the entire house.
Took myself for a walk.
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The girls brought me a flower bouquet, with a feather tucked in. I felt so seen! They sure do know their mama well. |
Flowers from Brett. :)
A small perk of quarantine-time to snap a few early morning shots!
(Mostly missing my co-workers and school kids so bad! Can't wait to go back this week!)
The webs are back!
So is my annual quote from Charlotte's Web: "Don't you think the web itself is a miracle?"
Pulled out my fall wreath I made last year. I'm still loving our pink door!
The season is changing. I can feel it.
I'm finding myself really excited about fall and the holiday season!
I told a dear friend this weekend that I feel like I've learned to have zero expectations and just show up. Then if things go good you can be surprised with happiness! If things don't go like you wanted then simply move to plan B. I have said for a long time I'm the Queen of Plan B. I feel like this year I've become the Queen of Plan Z!
Cozy in the house.
During fall and winter I light candles each evening.
Scrapbooked an art page with my beautiful friend Mary!
Such a good book!
And that cover! All the heart eyes.
A birthday bouquet.
Moved this hand-lettered quote to our bedroom.
Pretty light on a random evening out with Brett.
The water forever has my heart.
YAY, our light-up pumpkin is back in the kitchen!
Best part of my day-picking up the girls!
Probably headed to Sonic one afternoon.
Added some positivity to the school hallway.
Sigh.....happy memories made here.
Oh, Buffalo River! I could not possibly love you more.
Stayed somewhere magical.
Came across pure magic, in the form of this travel journal all the guests left notes in. I read the whole thing, cover to cover.
Never gets old finding these.
A favorite outfit. Dress is from H & M and was on super sale. Shoes are Kenneth Cole and were thrifted!
Found by one of the girls. I'm realizing my dress matches this wing a bit! I've tried to imagine not dressing in patterns on a daily basis and I just can't do it!
Loving this nail color combo.
"Funny" story-Brett got me my first manicure for my birthday, which was the sweetest thing ever. Then, my so sweet friends told me what to do when I got there. All went well and I truly loved the experience. Fast forward to a couple of weeks later when I could NOT get the gel to come off! Haha. It was horrible. I finally got it off and did my nails in these purple shades.
Such an important read, full of beautiful details and a lot to think about. This one made me cry.
An outfit at home. Feel like I'm just now figuring out what I feel best in and what I love to wear at age 37. I do always live by "better late than never."
Can't seem to hear enough TobyMac lately!!
Been sitting and doing TONS of computer work since I've been home (I teach both in-person kids and virtual) and looked down to see this.
Ok, not the best quality picture but I put this super long black skirt on with a t-shirt and denim jacket and liked the results. Worth saving the idea!
Currently reading this.
What are you reading??
Also, current favorite thing: learning to draw and mess around on Procreate.
You guys, I seriously hope you have something fun you do just for the fun of it!
Do I hope to sell art I make with this?
No. I really have no goal other than it's fun and brings me joy.
What's up in your part of the world? I'm thinking ahead to the holidays and how I want to spend my time and efforts this fall and winter. Is it taking as much effort for you to find the joy sometimes as it is for me? What are your go-to's that you know that you know will bring life and light to you?
You've been around a while, so you know mine. :)
I'm so happy you're here. I'm so happy you come up to me in real life and tell me you read the blog. I'm happy that at age 37 I no longer care of blogging is silly or not! Just happy to be here.
Like you, I still love blogs the most. I love your colorful photos, art, and outfits! There is something so rat-racey about Instagram that I'm thinking of taking a break as well. I also love the reminder to do things just because we love them, not because they will lead to a money-making opportunity!