Dig your heels in for good.

 Good Sunday to you!
I'm glad you're here! We can let out a collective sigh because we've made it through another week.  If you've done that and picked up a bit of good along the way, I think it's totally worth celebrating. 

I won't ramble, but this rosy gal is ready to get out the house and see other people.  Or even shop.  Or go to the library. Ok universe? We're good here! We've learned our "stay home and simplify life" lesson! We've even learned a few extra lessons other than that.  Now, we're ready to move into a new season that involves just a tiny bit (at least) of what life was like before.

Maybe you're like that frog (or is it a toad?) and me, just hanging on day by day.  We are too! I'm showing the most memorable, good parts here because I'm pretty sure we already know the more traumatic/hard parts of this virus will naturally stick in our minds once it's over.  Let's make sure to dig our heels in for the good.
 One lucky day the girls found a dozen morel mushrooms! A whole dozen! We usually don't find any. They were down in one of our hollers and Anna was the first one to spot one.  She yelled out "a morel!" and then she and Betsy proceeded to find a whole bunch more while I didn't find a single one. 
The next night I battered them in flour and cooked them in a ton of butter and it was one of the BEST THINGS I'VE EVER EATEN. Ever.

 One way the girls and I are keeping sane and also taking advantage of the extra time at home is by having a fun/project list up on the fridge and the supplies to do it with.  Just simple little things.  These styrofoam structures came to us through an idea shared by Meri Cherry in her kids' craft book. The idea was simple-just play around with styrofoam blocks, beads, etc. and see what you can make! I love that Anna wrapped hers like a present. 

She busted her lip very badly this week and ended up having to go to the doctor to get antibiotics for it.  She is much better now. :) 
 One of the girls enjoying the hammock! 
 Another fun idea we did was trace shadows.  Further down you can see this same tracing that I colored in with pastels.

 And another Meri Cherry idea! 
I highly suggest you look up her book and buy it and also follow her on IG. 
But mostly buy her book! It is filled with such creative, fun, process art ideas. 
These were little volcanoes the girls made and then filled with baking soda and vinegar. We had time to do these when we were off school on Good Friday.  

 All dressed up and nowhere to go for Easter!
 We dyed some eggs and painted some.  Also, I'm still having fun in my art journal!
We should all join this rebellion right now, don't you think?

 We got the most FUN Easter basket from my parents! It was for the whole family and included inside was a "DIY cookie kit" with my mom's homemade sugar cookies, icing, and sprinkles.  The girls loved decorating these and eating them!
 I have officially learned how to make the best french fries in the history of ever.
Scroll down a bit for the recipe.

Anna and I have gotten into Scrabble. 
She likes to drink a cup of tea, while I drink coffee.  
She beat me yesterday!
 Ok, I love this pic. 
I also think I have either ruined my lens by pointing it at the sun too much (see those rings in the sky?) or it's just a sign of age. 
Anyone know?
This was my shadow drawing I filled in with pastels!
The shadow drawing was a totally fun and easy way to get me out of my own head and start creating. It's pretty easy to trace shadows and there isn't the fear of facing the plain white paper. 
Brett is working on a project right now and brought me this little wood slice. 
Isn't it beautiful?
 The girls' bounty!
 A dear friend sent us flowers!!
 Cleaned the closet out and tried to decide if I liked a few things or not. 
This is a wear around the house dress.  
 Still completely obsessed with my scarf and earrings from Freckled Hen Farmhouse
I seriously want everything from her store. 
Locals, she has free curbside pickup and free delivery on orders over $30.  For everyone else, she ships! Check her amazing shop out!
I like to wear overalls around the house.
Rainbow magic!
Cool shadows. 
The girls and I have also been riding our bikes more because we got part of our driveway paved before all this virus stuff happened.
 I tried so hard to make a fun breakfast for Easter. 
You should have seen the kitchen after making these "simple" rabbit pancakes!
I bought this dress at Wit and Whimsy, my last place to shop before everything closed. 
I was so excited to keep showing them some love and shopping there because they had clothes for size 8-10 that I loooooved! 
I was sad to hear they have since closed for good. :(

I still want to shop at 3130....have any locals shopped there? It's in Springdale, near Tontitown. 

More outfits!
I was telling a dear friend of mine that I truly don't care how other people dress while at home.  Too each their own!
For me personally, how I look has a huge impact on how I feel so I get dressed every single morning. 
With this button up I saw an idea on Anthropologie to tie the ends of the button up in a knot on each side so that's what I did.

 Time consuming? 
Worth it? 
 The recipe is from this book, which is one of my favorite books on the planet. It's equal parts memoir and cookbook.
 The light always takes my breath away.  Plus, slippers are my new everyday shoe.
See? The scarf again! 
I have worn it in my hair a few different ways and around my neck. 
 Created a found poem to post on my school's IG!
More scrabble, more time with the girls. :) 
We have decided a few things that need to stick when this season is over is a fun/project list on the fridge (and the supplies needed to complete) and game nights/afternoons! 

Also: slowing down, exploring the woods, the occasional take-out, Disney movies, and cooking new foods.  Mostly though? Taking it one day at a time.  

How are you holding up? 
Any good you want to share?

1 comment:

  1. always love your posts, the morels, the family time and of course, your rosy outlook. It is a breath of fresh air in this topsy turvy world we're in at the moment. thanks for sharing the lovely thoughts and photos.


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