Daffodil Day

They came. 
Every year around this time when the Christmas tinsel is long gone and the merriment sent back up to the attic, we start to look towards spring.  Our eyes dance with excitement and our fingers ache to feel the dirt that somehow seems to cleanse us from winter.  We are made for the outside, our family.  The sunshine energizing our hearts and bodies as if we were solar-powered.  Yet each year as we joyously move towards less hibernating and more getting out into the world, we find ourselves wondering just when the cold will cease.  Have we truly made it through another winter? Is spring really going to come? 
Then, year after year, we drive through the pasture our eyes straining to see even the faintest bit of yellow.  

Our breath catches in our throats and our eyes not only see a bit of yellow, but also hope.  Indeed, the daffodils have come again, to cheer us on towards spring.

I always tell the girls the same story each year.  I'm not sure why God chose daffodils to greet us first, but I'm ever so glad He did.  Daffodil Day is just the best day.  

Friend, rest assured.  The daffodils have come again and so will adventure, sun to warm our skin, and dirt to cleanse our souls. 

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