leaf pile. jump.

What is it about the magic of a leaf pile?  Here on the farm we don't rake our yard clean of leaves.  In fact, I have to admit feeling a little baffled when we see the townsfolk working hour after hour to clean up every last sign of fall from the yard.  We DO rake leaves for playing though.

One afternoon we sauntered outside, just looking for adventure.  Anna Ruth followed the fallen leaves like a treasure map leading her to gold.  She excitedly asked if I would rake her a leaf pile and I was happy to oblige.  

Run, jump, scatter, throw, laugh, giggle.   
Repeat times infinity.

This little leaf pile brought us adventure, entertainment, exercise, and fun.  Rosy in our routine, for sure.  We were welcomed back in the house by this dreamy sight…….
a sunset that brings a calm you can feel all the way down to your toes.

1 comment:

  1. I never really got the whole leaf pile, leaf jumping thing until I finally realised your leaves are dry! There's a reason it's not such a big thing in this part of the world!! It does look like a lot of fun though :)


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