I'm fascinated by people. People watching, talking to people, spending enough time with them to learn what their quirks are. Everybody has a few quirks. Clearly, I have one for funny hats or headbands worn on my bday. My beautiful twin is well.....beautiful, both inside and out. Who else would go along with my ideas like this?

I find myself thinking "Surely, this is normal" at least once or twice a day....so today I bring you my weird. My confessions of quirkiness, if you will.
1.) I strongly dislike planners. I've learned to become organized and planned enough to raise a family, run an Etsy shop, and run a house. But give me a planner with color-coded blocks and make me schedule days and minutes....well, I'll run for the hills.
(in my defense, I do use a wall calendar now. Baby steps!)
2.) sometimes I feed Bouncy (our dog) the leftover sausage. the good stuff. the expensive kind.
3.) I used to be a nursing major in college. For one semester.
4.) I would consider myself both an introvert AND extrovert. I need some time each day (and a pretty good chunk each weekend) to just draw and listen to music and be quiet. But I could also talk just about anybody's ear off.
5.) I have a secret blog where I keep the list of other blogs I read on a daily basis.
6.) today I bought the Of Monsters and Men album. Love it.
7.) I tear up a lot. like at the story I read in Oprah about an interior designer who designs for free...to help military families. I get embarrassed every single time. I wish I didn't. It's who I am.
8.) When something's really "WOW" to me....I say "holy cow" to myself.
9.) I love tv, specifically America's Got Talent and Parenthood. And Jimmy Fallon. And Food Network.
10.) I don't wash my hair every day.
11.) sometimes the girls and I don't eat breakfast 'till close to 10. Maybe every few weeks or so. I NEVER share that on IG. I'm scared of people's reactions!
12.) I really, really like relaxing at home. Or going to a thrift store to browse. I don't like shopping at the mall for fun.
13.) My close, best friends are very few. As in 3 or 4 friends I consider close. People think because I blog I have a huge, wide circle of bff's. Nope.
14.) I like rap. And country. And Whitney Houston. And Johnny Cash.
15.) I'm sugar/dessert free for over 3 months.
16.) I like to eat a snack almost every night before bed.
17.) I like friends who let me be included in their lives and help them....bring them food, etc.
18.) I have a few IG friends I wish I could meet in real life! I long to meet a tribe who understands daydreaming, painting, long flowy skirts, and free spirits.
19.) I'm praying for change this autumn.
20.) although a fan of a "happy mess" some mess stresses me out. like the blue marker I found all over the girls wall today.
21.) I think the natural word speaks volumes we never even hear. I want to hear.
22.) I have several "secret" boards on Pinterest. One has over 500 pins.
23.) I adore feathers, webs, and heart rocks.
And last, a few links that had me saying "yes." I think you'll like for your weekend!
1.) Friday Night Meatballs here.
2.) On prayer and the table and my friend Margret here.
3.) I already can't wait for this.
Got any confessions or questions for me? :)
I love that your sister goes along with plans for flowery crowns, she sounds wonderful! And I'm with you on needing a little bit of time each day to create - it definitely helps me feel balanced!
ReplyDeleteUm, my little guy is 8, and we totally don't eat breakfast every Saturday until 10. We all grab a snack if we want it before we do a family breakfast. It works for us and our slow poke, relaxed Saturday morns, although I think it probably makes others cringe. :)
ReplyDeleteSo since finding you in cyber land I have been slowly reading my way through your blog to get to know a bit of you story. Wow, we have a lot in common. I am older, I have 4 kids and I am a nurse but so many of your likes, loves and insecurities are so similar to mine. Crying... all the time, i love to thrift, i love nature and heart rocks. I and LOVE to create and art journal. And I dream of holding art retreats at our homestead. I would love to see your 500 secret pins and secret blog list. I have a feeling we would have similarities on those lists too. And more than anything I too wish I could meet some of my IG friends in real life (incl you) as I feel more myself and seen and connected with those in real life around me. I want a creative, real tribe who I can create with and share our sacred stories with out judgement and ridicule. Oh I am so glad I read this list. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletexx Jo (soulhousestudio).