The web itself is a miracle.

"Do you understand how there could be any writing in a spider's web?"

"Oh, no", said Dr. Dorian.  "I don't understand it.  But for that matter I don't understand how a spider learned to spin a web in the first place.  When the words appeared, everyone said they were a miracle.  But nobody pointed out that the web itself is a miracle."
-Charlotte's Web


  1. We have two giant garden/writer spiders in the yard. They are so fascinating!

    1. I found the neatest black and yellow spider in our garden today but am not sure what kind it is. you have a book on this kind of stuff? (I bet your boys know this kind of stuff!)

    2. We call them Charlotte :) I find a few every year. They are amazing!

    3. I'm not certain the official name but that is what they look like - and their webs have a zig-zag design in the middle.

  2. I'll admit there are a few too many webs both inside my house and just outside the doors for my liking right now, but you're right, they are beautiful - I just wish they'd stay outside!!

    1. We have webs in my house too! In corners and places I don't want......hmmm, maybe I should clean more, lol :)


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