Rosy List #2

 A friend of mine wrote a great blog post (Heather) about how little things can be celebrated. Doesn't always have to be the "big". That's what my Rosy List(s) are about!
As a mom, if life is glanced at it might seem a bit redundant. Look closer, and these are the things that bring me joy. Like...
1.) Tearing inspirational pics out of magazines. I know Pinterest is the new thing-but I still adore magazines. Love them. Love saving ideas from them. Have a whole binder full!

2.) Seeing blueberries at the store for $3 (expensive), buying them anyway and eating them all by myself. :) Over a couple of days of course. Love their color and taste. And healthiness! 

 3.) Using what I have to paint "HOPE" letters for my craft room. I've hastily fixed it up several times...but this time I'm taking my time to add a touch here and there to make it my own creative getaway. :) Pics later.
4.) Creating something new for Etsy and loving it :) See side for Etsy Shop

5.) Making a card for my pen-pal, niece Kyla

6.) Oatmeal and coffee.  Every. Single. Morning.

 7.) Ruffle pants. My daughter. Enough said. :)
8.) Index card calendar memory keeper from favorite blogger, Ashley

What's the rosy in your life?

1 comment:

  1. I love your rosy lists! I'm so thankful for the little things in life too! I love seeing what makes you smile. A lot of them are the same for me!


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