Homemade playtime!

Something I picked up while teaching elementary students is that it doesn't take much to interest a child or spark their imagination. What we see as an ordinary household object, or even trash, is a tool for the imagination for little ones. Thus-the thinking behind the "toys" in this post! I gave Anna a pie tin and ornaments and she was hooked. :) She kept rolling the ornaments around and loved making noise with the tin. She also liked scratching on the rough edge, as well as the smooth middle of the tin.

 This is a toy I made for Anna for Christmas. I simply took the crinkle Spinach Lettuce bag and sewed it inside a square of soft flannel. I know she'll love the sound, and I loved that it was quick to make and free!

I also made her a "sensory bottle". You can google this term, or search on pinterest for a whole bunch of ideas on what to put in the bottles. As you can see the confetti colored the water, which I think adds another element of interest. *I made sure to hot-glue the cap on, even though my little girl's muscles couldn't open it yet, better to be safe than sorry!*
So there you have it! Just a couple of ways to spark your child's imagination, without spending a lot-if any!
(and for those of you wondering-Anna Ruth will get plenty of presents for Christmas from her sweet relatives...that's why we're sticking with homemade at our house for this year)

1 comment:

  1. I love the new blog! It looks great, and the name is fun! :) Love you guys!


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